Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hey Jane- I think you're going to love this. You know what a handful R/R has been, tho' getting lots better. Now Jack suggested adopting 2 DONKEYS! Just what I need, haha. Apparently the Big Island, HA is over-run with donkeys and there's a rescue program shipping them to the mainland for $200/per. I don't know why thinking about Livvy herding your goats made me think of this.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    hahaha! We'll ride those donkeys straight to you.
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    A soft seat and a hard drink sounds perfect!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Speaking of perfect, R/R is becoming, well not quite perfect, but he's getting there. He's very sweet and silly, loves to cause mischief, and give us lots of laughs. He's come such a long way. He's very loving and loves to look me in the eye and smile. It took him so long to make eye contact, and now he's just a little lover boy.
  • Joyce Lee

    It is exciting! I hope the wait won't be too long! Thanks for the congratulations! (:
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the birthday greeting.  Lessee, in dog years, I'd be....



  • Jennifer Markley

    Hi Jane!!  Love your background photo!  We decided to wait a little bit until we get her a dog.  Think it's pretty soon after losing grandpa, and we hate to have her make rash decisions that she might regret later.  I think it will happen, just not yet though.  Maybe Santa will bring her one for Christmas!  Jackson says Hi!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hi Jane and Gang!

    Just a quick note since I haven't been on much.  Calvin and Rainy are doing great!  We found an off leash dog park where Calvin plays and plays and plays and runs.  Rainy...well...she just sits by me or my mom and gets petted.  I started dialysis about 2 months ago and so far so good...but it takes up a lot of time and I am tired. Hope you guys are all doing well, and getting ready for tricks and treats!!  But more heavy on the treats, please!  Hugs to Sage and everyone else too!!!

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Jane,

    I'm doing well. . .how are you doing? . .Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. . . .I'm taking my 5 to the beach this weekend. They haven't been there as a group yet so it will be interesting to say the least. . . . .LOL
  • Sandy Stickney

    Thank you Jane!  I love my cardis! They are a hoot.  They can be aloof to newcomers (especially if they come empty-handed), but they make friends fairly quickly. If I had the room, I would have a few more. :) Your pack is a good looking pack! 
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    jane,...did the video of lance and tucker playing...play back in slow motion?  It did for me, and it just doesnt have the same affect much better when not in slow motion. 


  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    well, im glad its not playing in slow motion for you.  Glad to got the real affect of the video.  I tried reuploading it, to see if it would do the same thing to me and it did.  As long as everyone else gets it playing not in slow motion, thats good.
  • Kathleen Unsell & CODY

    Jane, I did just change pictures!!  You are not crazy!  Decided to update, since Cody's ears are up now...no more "baby bear" stage.  He comes home in 48 hrs!  Countdown is getting serious over here.
  • Katy

    I'm about a hop and a skip from prior lake/savage, less than 20 miles for sure. Everything is ay least a ten mile hike for me :)
    I hope you're able to bring him around, so much easier placing a non aggressive dog. Is his owners situation going to change?
    Poor Buddha is pooped from his two day park visit, I couldn't keep him off the slides lol
  • Kimberly Colette Arvold

    Thank you Jane :)   How do you like the volunteering with Sage?  I'm getting excited!  I'm not sure what to expect when we finish class, I'm hoping it will be an easy process.  I do know that I have to have her certified with both agencies to be able to volunteer at the Children's Hospital, so we will have to take Therapy class at Petsmart as well.  It's an interesting and fun journey :)

  • Sarah Costen

    Hi Jane, your Livvy is so cute (all of your babies are so cute, but I have to be partial to Olivias)!  My Olivia is sometimes Livy, too :)  What a great name for a tri girl :)

  • susieq59

    Totally was a bummer!  We were all gathered around to watch in anticipation of seeing the corgis, even Oliver was watching on the couch with us.  Ahh well, maybe next AKC show.  Jane, I just love all of your corgis and other animals,, so absolutely adorable!!!

  • Katy

    I hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving!!
  • Ray Johnson


  • Geri & Sidney

    aww, great! If you look at July, you should see Sidney in one of the small squares at the bottom!

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Hi Jane, I wanted to say thank u for the gift on page. Sorry it took so long, I really do appreciate it
  • Katy

    Oh we got probably 3", just enough to have nice wet dog bellies in the house. I haven't spotted the neighbor lately coming to the yard, so glad about that. Still feels like walking on eggshells though, which is not fun considering we haven't done anything wrong to deserve it.  Glad to have so many other opinions give light to the subject :-)  Her dog has bitten people before, he's a Cairn Terrier, rather big one too haha. Oh well...

    Hope the furbabies enjoy the snow, I'll be taking mine out in a little while.

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    its been really hard these past couple of days but with all of u supporting us it has helped a lot. yesterday i got his ashes back and it felt good to have him back home, you know? i really miss him a ton, i just wish he could be here for Christmas 

  • Carol Rea

    Thank you for the birthday greeting!  Busy here, with what I don't know.  My Lucky is out acting like a human boy, watching the construction across the road!!  Darn, we thought we were safe from any houses  across the road and now there is a 2 story home going in.  Not a happy camper here.  I think we are high enough on our hill that it won't affect our view.  How are all your corgi children and grand kids?  I will stop now, should have sent email!  Carol, Sonny and Lucky

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I would love to get a third Corgi esp. bec. Lucy's breeder is expecting a litter this month. It's been a drought in litters in S. CA. now. Don't know why. But, we're going to be doing a major renovation on our home so it's just not feasible. But, I'm sorely tempted. His last 2 attempts produced just one puppy. Jack's right tho' bec. I don't know how we'll manage with our 2 + our cat. We may have to rent a place for a year.

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Thanks for the gift!  Rainy came over tonight and snored on the couch for a few hours.  We were watching a movie and kept hearing this noise....it was her.  I hope Sage and the gang are doing well.  I was looking at pictures of everyone today!  Calvin's birthday is later this week.  I'll have to try and take some pictures.

  • Rebecca and Poppy

    Thanks for the comment Jane! I don't know anything about dog daycare, so it's good to hear that just being around other dogs, even if all they are doing is sniffing each others butts is good stimulation and good for socializing. Poppy gets along with other dogs, but she can always use more time!

  • Emilie

    Yup - made sure to join that group! :)

  • Bax & Zigs & Rosie

    You're very welcome! There is so much corgi knowledge and experience on this board that it just irked me to see it disregarded. One reason I love this website so much is because everyone can express their opinions and receive advice even if it counters their own ideas without anyone becoming argumentative. Heck, everyone was even pretty down-right nice to the possible troll who posted about the corgi pup in the freezer. There are just so many good people on here, I'd hate to see people get discouraged from commenting after seeing some of the posts made this week.

  • Bax & Zigs & Rosie

    I agree. The responses to people's legitimate experiences were troubling and out of the norm for this community. Sometimes being a rebel can be a very good and needed thing. ;)

  • Carol Rea

    That day was terrible!  Mike was showing Larry how to brew beer, his VERY  Alzheimer's mother came to give his wife a needed break and I had to watch her like a hawk!!  The neighbor man dropped off Mr Biggz (was Jer's dog that came from his girl's step dad) for a couple hours that lasted for 12 hours!!  The boys had been under foot and I feared that Barbara (92 with Alzheimer's) would trip so I put them in jail!  They pouted until I put Barbara in a chair and told her to sit and stay while I ran the boys for a few minutes and put them back in jail - this went on for 2 hours, maybe 3!  Carol and the boys.

  • Jan Vallier

    Thanks for the welcome!!  I am busy and probably also a little crazy for having three pups at the same time. I do love it though.

  • Courtney and Webley <3

    Hi Jane! I saw on one of the recent discussion walls that one of your corgis is a therapy dog. I want to get Webley involved in that this year! Where does your dog go and how did you get involved? I have heard that corgis cannot be therapy dogs because they are not hypoallergenic. I think Webley would really excel at being a therapy dog and making someone's day :)

    Happy New Year!

  • Courtney and Webley <3


    Thanks for all the helpful information! I will look up the Therapy Dogs Inc and more about the CGC. Is CGC required for all therapy dogs? How often do you guys go?

    Thanks a lot! :)


  • Courtney and Webley <3

    *Therapy Dogs in Training not Inc :)

  • Courtney and Webley <3

    Joined the group :) Thanks for all your info! I am now very intrigued to get Webley going on this. I think it would be a great project/goal for 2012!

    Hugs to your corgis!

  • Katy

    Thank you for the birthday cake Jane!
  • Katy

    Oh my gosh its fine, least you didnt call me Kathy ;-) and how sweet of you to send me that in the first place!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Jane, Thanks for the comment on Tuckers video.  The planet dogs balls last.  They are rated by strenghth.  I always get the ones rated with a five, those are the strongest and hold up to lance who is a strong chewer.  They like to squish the balls in their mouth.  I have been buying them since Lance is a puppy, in fact I wont buy any other!!  Although we do have a buddy ball from petsmart, but thats it.   I was a bit unsure about the snowball, thought it might be a little too small, but so far so good.  I do pick up the balls when they are done playing or we are done playing fetch with them. 

    I love the background pic of your corgis on your page!

  • Chris West

    Hi Jane! I don't remember that particular incident, but unfortunately, Ottumwa seems to be a hotspot for puppy milling and animal hoarding. We also have at least 5-10 cases a year of animals being removed from breeding mills and animal hoarders. Pretty upsetting. I have tried doing everything I can to make sure my friends know and avoid assisting these people, although as I have stated in some of the discussions, some of my no-longer friends have themselves been guilty of breeding litters because "the puppies would be cute".

  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Rainy had a good birthday on Sunday.  She got a new toy (that Calvin stole) and plenty of treats and goodies.  Her Rat Terrier friend Callie was also there to spend the day.  She had a good time!

  • steve smith

    Jane...This is the first time I saw the picture with the Jolly Ball. Dino has one and loves it. Picks it up by the handle and runs. I thought that Dino was the only one that had one.

  • Karise and Kiki

    Thank you!  So are your corgis!

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Jane. . .tried to leave a message on your page but the window was blank??? Wonder what that's all about??? Anyway hope you have a wonderful week. Pupsters and I are enjoying the dry weather.
  • Maddie, Sam, and Ruby

    Thank you so much! : D

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is Wynn doing?

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    No party. I was just glad I remembered! Can't believe he's 2 and we made it! Yay Ricky-Rafa, the sweetest boy in the West.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad to hear Wynn is feeling better!! :) 

  • Shou

    Thank you Jane!! :]