Kimber-Leigh May


Salem, OR

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Kimber-leigh. I have one Pembroke welsh Corgi (though I wish I had 20) her name is Favorite, also have one mini Aussie/sheltie/heeler mix named Mari, and a Pomeranian mix named Radar. I currently work as an adoptions counselor for Willamette Humane Society in Salem Oregon. I am happily married. I have no children of y own just yet, but I have two nephews and a niece. I love crafts of all kinds, dog training, and being a homebody/domestic type. I
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Favorite is the dog who inspired me to get into dog training and research behaviors. She is so stinkin smart and she teaches me something new every day. We love trick training and Favorite knows over 60 commands and has helped her deaf dog sister Mari pick up on several of those same commands. She loves food, going to playgroup at the shelter and the dog park, and her favorite trick is to tidy up her toys, she looks the most proud after completing that one.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Danijela

    Your little one is pretty amazing...did she complete the obidience school or have you been training her on your own?
    I believe & see every day how smart our little Leo is...the problem is me...I don't really know where to start... You did so well!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's the profile picture.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I have a little statue corgi almost like that I'm thinking which of my Corgis will be the victim of trying to capture a photo like that for the fun of it. LOL
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I will let you know if I get that accomplished...they'll probably want to eat the darn thing. LOL Thank you for the compliment. I love my dogs but you have to be alittle crazy to have this many in the house. hehe
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kimber and Fave! I love your photos!
    I have the same corgi figurine..I got it at a Michael's craft store.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Well you certainly sound dedicated enough and know all the hassle w/it but in the end there are many joys that out weigh the hassles.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Real kids are a whole other topic and I won't even go there. lol
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Dogs are easier then children but there is nothing better then the feel of their little hands in yours, arms around you and tiny lips kissing you. The sweet sound of I LOVE YOU, MOMMY from their little voices is the best sound you'll ever hear.
  • Lilikoi

    Favorite is a very cute puppy! Nice to see other Corgis in Salem!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Just wait til you have your own!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Kimber,
    We have taken Sidney to obedience classes, beginner, intermediate and then drop-in intermediate. My 17 year old daughter is his trainer and works with him on her own also. The training school ...I'm not sure what to call their method...has really good results. The school offers a CGC class, but we were there one day during a dog faire and they offered the CGC exam for anyone who wanted to try it out. We thought it would be good practice, but were surprised to learn that he passed! I was so proud of our little guy (and barely a year old at the time).

    Here is the link to my blog post where I described the test:

    good luck!
  • Tauna and Kota

    I am now not as separated from him as I was. I now live about an hour and a half from him. I am planning on being a campground host for 2 months this summer which I can take him on. I am so excited. Things are going well. He is a pretty good boy. He barks at nothing/things/people outside. Trying to get him to not bark as much. The spray bottle is helping a little. I do not spend much time with him. I go see him as much as I can. The last 2 weekends I have gone to stay at my mom's. Am going there today and will be going back from Friday to Monday probably. I will probably work more on tricks during the 2 months I will have him constantly. That way the training will be more constant. Thanks.
  • Boo Buchheit

    Hi. I noticed your post on NW Corgis and my son lives in Salem and is your age. His name is Terry Sours, maybe you know him. I have a group on called Cowboy Corgis as I live in Wyoming, I am the only member. Don't know if Wyo folks don't use internet or just don't use the site, but there are lots of Corgis around here.
  • Boo Buchheit

    I will let him know. Unfortunately he does not have a Corgi yet. I am hoping maybe for his birthday. When I lived over there I did not see many Corgis so I bet it is hard to find others for play dates. Many of the Corgis in my area are working (herding) so they don't have much time for play. Mine of course is just a little spoiled house pet (ruler, LOL).
  • Alice

    Thanks for the tips. I'll keep working on it with him. Do you have a signal for stand that you use? Finnigan is a lazy boy and if he is not moving, he insists on sitting or lying down. I wanted to get some nice pictures of him standing to send to his breeder to show him how Finn is turning out but he just won't stand for me.

    Finn barks all the time so I don't know why he won't do speak. He will bark when we are playing and you get him excited about a toy you are holding so I tried teaching it this way and he'd seem to get it but then I would test him later by saying speak and doing the hand signal I connected to it and he wouldn't do it. It seems like he will only speak when he is excited.

    Thank you for the compliment on Finn. Favorite has a darling face as well. Good thing she was a little too tall or she may not have made her way to you. :) Finn's breeder said Finn is structurally correct, he just didn't choose to keep him because he already has a great blue merle male (Finn's daddy), so he chose to keep Finn's only surviving brother who was a tri and he ended up passing away at 10 weeks. Finn's a lucky boy and we are lucky to have him. :)

  • Tauna and Kota

    The campground is about 60 miles from me. North. Twisty windy road. Its about 6 miles north of Pine Idaho. Too bad it isn't closer to you. Would be fun for Favorite and Kota to play. Maybe you can find a good spot near you to go camping. Kota and I went camping the weekend I got him... he did well and seemed to enjoy it. Have not taken him back out since then... we will be going up there to check out the campground in a couple weeks I think...
  • Cheryl and Bella

    I know what you are saying...about the corgi smile. Mine is always so happy, which makes me feel happy too. My cocker spaniel has sad droopy eyes and looks sad, but I know its just the way she looks. Bella is only 5 months old and already "signals" with her eyes what wants. She's very obvious about it. If I don't catch on .. she lets out a bark or
    Favorite is a beautiful girl and very photogenic. Your sister took some really cool pics of her.
    I hope to have more time to train Bella. She is still young and so playful. I'm not sure what age to train, but am trying now to teach her little things. She is ornery and still doing the frenetic puppy run....So much fun!
  • Cheryl and Bella

    Any special book you can reccommend for training? She is still so excitable at 5 mos. that I am having problems training her to sit. I know she is very intelligent, she gets excited when I pull out a treat.l was hoping she would learn something by watching Lexie when I ask her to sit. I try to place the treat in a way that she has to sit to get it and then praise her. I read that a ton of praise is in order. Lucky you (and your hard work) that you were able to train Favorite so easily. I need to get started on it. I want to make it fun for her!
    Thanks for the tip on canned green beans. I forgot all about them and it wouldn't hurt me either to lose 5 lbs so I will stock up on them this week.
    You're so nice..Thanks!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Kimber!
    We are in a group class. There are about seven or eight dogs in class. My daughter (age 17) is Sidney's trainer; I'm just there to watch and support them (and pay for the class, LOL).
    The first class was a review of basic obedience. All the dogs have to have sit, down, stand, sit-stay, down-stay, wait, stay and heel down really well.
    Next they introduced the dogs to canes, walkers and wheelchairs. Since these things are foreign to most dogs, they want them to be comfortable and not shy away. Sidney was nervous around the walker, so they gave us one to bring home and get him used to it.
    Second class we saw if they were better used to the cane, walker and chair, and they started learnign how to approach persons in these situations, and also how to stand still to be petted. The owners learned how to position their dogs so the people don't bang them on the head or scare the dogs. Since Sidney is too short to be petted by a person using a wheelchair or walker, he is learning the command "paws up" so he can get on his hind legs and put his legs up on a chair or the brace of a walker. Corgis are different in that they are too big to be lifted and too short to stand on the ground!
    That is what we've done so far, in two classes. Oh, many dogs have to re-learn "leave it" because many people who therapy dogs visit have toys, or have food hidden in pockets, etc. The dogs have to know it's NOT ok to take those things!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Sure, Sid is one year and 9 months old. I really don't know how we would have taught Sidney without the great trainers at Kindred Spirits training. Really, a good class will help so much with the excitement when it come to other dogs and people. At times I would think "wow, they're so tough" but Sidney is a very well behaved young man now.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yes, I think you will have to get Favorite a present for the wedding for being your helper too. : )
  • Susan Stanton

    I love those photos with the chandeliers! Ethel thinks the only thing missing is her diamond tiara -- what, the queen wouldn't loan Favorite one? lol. Very cute!
  • Susan Stanton

    And congrats on the weight loss! And your upcoming wedding!
  • Cheryl and Bella

    I would also like to add Congratulations on your wedding..not sure of the date, but its wonderful news! Best wishes!
    Thanks for the tip on the dog training book. Bella is extremely intelligent and extremely unwilling to stay still long enough to learn anything. She did learn how to "sit" and she loves green beans (good tip for me too! :) I will buy the book, as I am at a loss at what to do and I have a book, "no bad dogs...but the techniques seem a little extreme and I'm not sure that I want to be jerking her neck on a steel collar. In fact, I know I don't! Hope there is a kinder way to train her. She is such a little ball of crazy love... She is biting me one minute and kissing me the next... Still very much a puppy at just 6 months. :D TTly! xxx Cheryl and Bella xxx
  • ilovestubbylegs

    I am amazed at how you got pictures of your dog with the cookie and toy sitting on her nose. What a good dog she is! I need to teach my dogs a few tricks.
  • ilovestubbylegs

    I will keep that in mind. I've been thinking about some training for Rufus. It's hard to teach my dogs to do anything because if I talk to one, the other one gets in the way and it all gets confusing. I'm lucky that mine are basically well-mannered dogs or it would be total chaos around here!
  • WhiteDove

    I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. . .I have more to upload (like I don't have enough. . .lol). . .hope to do that today. . . .
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great one!! Still waiting to get that exciting call!!
  • Ace and Jen

    Favorite I love that name how did you come up with it =) she is gorgious by the way =)
  • Scooter

    Thanks for the comment!!
  • Ace and Jen

    =) its amazing hwo that happens..
  • Alison Prasavath

    We've been doing really well, thank you. Sorry to hear that you moved out of the neighborhood, but you are still fairly close. I'm really looking forward to the corgi walk in Portland at the end of this month. I can't wait to see that many corgi's in one place.
  • Shawna & Eddie

    I'm starting to think corgis are just a high spirited lot in general! I was shocked when he actually wanted to cuddle with me last night.
    Sixty? Oh wow! I'm very excited to teach Eddie, but I don't want to overwhelm him right now, so I'm sticking to the basics. He knows sit, laydown, and shake-- along with things like "leave it." If only he'd learn to come when he's called...
  • Alison Prasavath

    We miss not seeing you guys on our walks. I've been enjoying the warmer days, but it will take Noodles some time to get used to them. He does like to lay on the deck in the evenings while I do the dishes. He makes sure no birds enter the backyard.
  • Alison Prasavath

    Noodles has never been to minto-brown, but I think it would be fun to meet up some time. I'm off on Saturday's and Sunday's. I commented on your discussion about having a Salem corgi meet-up. I think it would be fun.
  • Kimber-Leigh May

    I wanna do the corgi walk in the perl this year.
  • Michelle & Heather

    Hi Kim! Stella has definitely grown quite a bit now since we adopted her. I can't believe it's almost been 2 months now. We are definitely very happy to have her as a part of our family. :-)