Chris West


Ottumwa, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Ottumwa, IA
About Me:
Have known that I wanted a blue merle cardigan for going on 15 years, but wanted to make sure I had a secure home before I got one. Have wanted to show cardi's in the ring since I first saw Kingsbury's Harry P take the title some years ago. Alas, it was not to be, as the show pup I was going to purchase did not meet breed standards. I decided to own a non show corgi first, and get some practice with AKC competition before getting my show puppy. My ultimate doggy wish is to find a male show pup descendant of Ch Kingsbury's I'm Harry P to take to Westminster (which probably won't happen until after I win the Powerball lottery)... UPDATE = I have my Harry P great-grandson, now to make it all the way to Westminster!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Blue Merle Altered Male - Tartanwyn Frost From Angels Breath "Frosty" born 12/15/2008. According to our breeder, Frosty was an only pup litter. When x-rayed before birth, he stretched from mommy's neck to tail. A c-section had been planned for 2 days after his birth. Unfortunately for mommy, she went into labor with Frosty during a major snow/ice storm, so they were unable to get her to a vet. Our breeder spent a terrible 20 minutes assisting his delivery and they were all relieved when he came out healthy. The breeder said that an angel must have been breathing for him during the long difficult delivery, and that's where he got his name. At birth, Frosty was the size of a 3 week old puppy. And being the only pup, he got all the milk and exploded in size. He is definitely the biggest corgi I have ever seen. Not fat big, just big big. He has the hugest feet ever!! We brought home Frosty on 02/06/2010. He is awesome! Frosty was set to be a show dog, but grew way too fast and ended up at a huge 40 pounds, so we got him as a pet puppy. It was a challege bringing home a 1 yr old instead of a puppy, but he has turned out to be the most awesome dog EVER!!

Brindle Intact Male - Kingsbury's Dragon In Flight "Drake" born 3/29/2013. My little show prospect that we brought home on July 20th. So far he is a sharkface monster lol, but hopefully he will shape up into a beautiful conformation boy!
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    I sent Jennifer a message!
  • Alessandro Peruzzi

    Thank you chris! Frosty is so cute! He's very beautiful too!!!
  • Ashley and Hazel

    Came across your page and saw you were from Ottumwa... I used to live in Oskaloosa! Random, but just wanted to say Hello!
  • Carol Rea

    Chris, Frosty is beautiful! I just love the videos with the cat(s)!! When they lie on you feet, that's called corgi slippers at our house.
  • Robyn

    haha thanks
  • Stefanie and Niko

    I think your Frosty looks alot like my Niko!!
    Where was your breeder from? Mine lives in NC.
    PS I think he's very handsome!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes!!! Happy anniversary to you as well!!!! Its amazing how fast the years fly by...I wish they would slow down a bit. Have a great anniversary!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congrats on being able to get a second blue merle cardi, how exciting!! :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much, your soooo sweet :) Definately put a smile on my face when I saw Lance was corgi pic of the day!!! Im starting to worry myself with all the pictures I take of Lance, I think I have OCD with his picture taking :O LOL

    Sorry to hear the breeder changed their mind about the pup. :(
  • Missy D

    Hey Chris - Emma will be making her ring debut in Des Moines, so YES! I'll be there. Cardigans show at 8 am both days and are first in the ring. Please come up and introduce yourself to me if you make it!
  • Jane Christensen

    I didn't see any other corgis either...I did talk to some people that had corgis though! The people here are also very respectful and ask and teach their children to ask 1st also!
  • John Wolff

    I think Frosty is the coolest-lookin' Cardi I have ever seen.
    [Disclaimer: coming from a family with two #1 dogs, it must be admitted that Lance and Caleb and Simon are the coolest-lookin' Cardis I've ever seen, too... but Frosty is so big, with that huge otter tail, wow, what a presence!]
    Al & Gwynn want otter tails, too.
  • John Wolff

    Frosty looks as cool as Caleb, Caleb's owner has a high-end Nikon and grew up with a professional photographer.
  • Valerie

    Red Ribbon
  • Alice

    Thank you for the birthday wishes and sorry I saw it so late. I haven't been on here in quite a while. That pic of Frosty is so cute though. :)
  • shelley power

    was nothing Chros, just found info and gave her a call:) So.. DISH!! how was the meeting?? What are upcoming puppy prospects?? what did ya talk about???? want the whole scoop:))) LOl
  • shelley power

    oops typo... CHRIS even :))
  • shelley power

    oh KOOL how exciting!!! Fun:) was harry with her??? did you take lots of photos????
  • Angel & Travis

    What a lovely corgi! You are from Iowa? We just moved here. :D
  • Desert Corgi Pack

    Yesterday, our Cardi mix, Ren, was barking at the hot air balloons as they flew by. While I was laughing I remembered that Frosty does the same. I wish I had taken a video of it to share.
  • Jane Christensen

    Have a great time at obedience classes.! We can't start again till March due to the 1 hour drive and Mn weather. I see you're from Ottumwa IA...that's where I picked up 4 rescues that came from a puppy mill somewhere nearby!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the comment on Lances Christmas picture!!  I took that picture in a hurry and really was surprised how well it turned out!! :)

  • John Wolff

    Are you going to make Frosty a snowman?  We'll want video:  "...thumpedy thump-thump, Look at Frosty go..."  {sorry, couldn't help it}

    I see you found Natalie and Stanley.  We met them at Al & Gwynn's favorite coffee shop a week ago.  A resemblance?  Not in size. Yet.  I think Frosty is an awsomely cool-lookin' dude (and I NEVER use the word "awesome").  It's tail envy.

  • Shepdog



    Thank you. :) That made my day. Thank you so much for the gift!!!!!  I honestly LOVE taking photos, and I love sharing them with Corgi folks. :D <3


    (Tell your husband I'm sorry... I'll uh, do a less cute photo of Simon chewing his bum or something. He does that too, I just don't show it. XD)

  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Chris, just wanna say thank you for helping out, digging up old posts can be quite time consuming sometimes :) Have a wonderful day!
  • Laura and Maggie Moo

    Just wanted to say "hi" to all of my "friends"
  • John Wolff

    I love Frosty!  He just looks so cool!  He looks like a "small dog in a big dog's body". I want a bigger dog!  I want a fluffy otter tail!  Is this heresy!?  Do I blaspheme?   

    I've gotta meet some Cardigans... I have never known one, and I want to know how they're different from Pems.  There's a mix in our neighborhood, Lab and... Great Pyrenese?  He's like a 60 lb. lap dog, jumps up and hugs you.  

  • John Wolff

    Unfortunately, I've never known a Cardi, and that's the only way to get a feel for the temperament differences.  For that matter, all the Pems I've known have been rather different. There's someone here named... Anne Pinkerton?  who has something like my fantasy dog, a border cardi;  looks just like you'd expect, and catching the tennis ball in midair.  Another thing:  Frosty's a single-pup litter, and I've heard that can make quite an impact on a dog's personality.

    I suffer tail envy.

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just wanted to stop by and say Hi or Woof!!!
  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy's great to see another Aries!
  • Christie & Terra Rose

    Happy Birthday

    What a gorgeous guy.  I have a litte cardi girl and she is bold and bigged mouth and will come running back cowering - then she musters up to try again. 


  • Christie & Terra Rose

    Hi...Terra & I are so Happy  2 have U as a new Friend! So, sorry to read of the spank'n Frosty got.Hope all is scratches can really cause harm. Hugs & Kisses to that bobo.
  • Christie & Terra Rose


    Love That tail!

  • Shepdog

    Awww. Thank you!!! :D


    I was pretty honored, there's some fantastic photographers who entered. :D

  • John Wolff

    Frosty is my 3rd favorite corgi.
  • Mal Schaal

    Just read your profile information, hillarious. You and Frosty must have lots of fun together! :)
  • John Wolff

    Al & Gwynnie may have the best mountains in the world, but y'know, a big farmyard with cornfields may be a lot better from a dog's-eye view.  Most of the time, ours are stuck inside a small fenced yard, or walking around on a leash, or asleep on the couch.
  • Jane Christensen

    HI Chris,


    I just noticed you are from Ottumwa IA. It will be 4 years this April that I rescued 4 Corgis from the Humane society there. The woman had to give up 30 Corgis(have NO clue how many she must have had) Did you ever hear of this there? I picked them up at the Ottumwa Humane Society as she had 3 groups of 10 that she turned in. There were so many to pick from that day it was a hard choice especially after telling my hubby I'd get 1-2...ooops!

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Delighted to be friends! Thanks for working so hard helping Sam get the 365-day calendar completed. I'm still confused (my normal state). Did Sam want photos bigger or smaller than 5 MB for the 365-day calendar?

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I intended to send you a Corgi, but realized that there's no Cardi. We'll have to get Sam to correct this after he's had several months to recover from the calendar drama. ; )
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thanks for being mine!

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    LOL. Just curious, Chris, if you didn't know if Sam meant  > 5 MB  or  < 5 MB, how did you make sure that your photo was the right size?

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I'm glad we're friends. You seem as detail oriented as me, haha.

    I think it's hilarious that you posted the criteria for the 365-day calendar and were as confused as me re. sam wanting photos more than 5 MG or less.

    We should be BFF.

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Hey Chris, Sounds like Tim posted the Corgis that will be on the 365-day calendar. If so, do you know where the list is posted? Hope to see Frosty!

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Guess you and I are polar opposites. I pay no attention to detail. I stick my key in any black car. I actually reported some scratches and dents on my trunk. My husband looks at me like Ricky Ricardo looked at Lucy and says, "that's a rental car!' This Xmas I walked into what I thought was my best friend's house, even tho' my husband said I was wrong. I said, "helllooo, I think I'd know my best friend's house." Well, it was the same model as her house. I walked up the steps, the front door wasn't locked so I walked in. The house had the same floor plan. I wave hello to everyone in the living room, do the same as I pass the dining room. Once I'm in the kitchen the owner of the house looks at me and says, "Do I know you?" I look around and realized I didn't know anyone... I gulped and said, "No, I thought it was my friends house. He was nice enough to ask if I wanted something to eat!!!

  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday! Have a great day:)

  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Chris,

    I just noticed you are from Ottumwa IA. 4-5 years ago I picked up my 4 Corgi rescues from the Humane Society there. The USDA made the woman turn in 3 sets of 10 pembrokes. Do you ever hear of any puppy mills close to Ottumwa? I figure if she had to turn in 30 I can't imagine how many she actually had. I did see the papers on this at the time...just wondering.

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!