Becky Focht


Harsens Island, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Harsens Island
About Me:
First time Corgi owner and loving her to death!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My new Pembroke Welsh Corgi is 11 weeks old and is named Foxy. She is the spunkiest, sweetest puppy ever!!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

    Hi Becky, I saw your comment on someone else's photo ... Tom had an ear down at 10 weeks still and it came up on its own (I think around 11 weeks)... the breeder had mentioned taping but we never needed to after all :) - welcome to the site!
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson

    Thanks, Becky! We did all our classes and took the CGC test through Petsmart and had a good experience overall! I didn't want to tape Tom's ears either so I understand! Foxy is adorable by the way :)
  • Ciara & Macy

    Hey! I was wondering who Foxy's parents are? I was just looking at the site a little and curiosity got the best of me lol From your profile picture she looks adorable. I hope you upload more in the future! I would love to hear more about your adventures as she grows up. Have a nice day? (: 

  • Ciara & Macy

    sorry let me clarify, I was looking at De Kunst Corgis site. I noticed I didn't really specify lol 

  • Ciara & Macy

    Porsha is one of my favorite dogs that they have based on looks. and You're Welcome(: If you need any help on the site just let me know!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!!

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Becky and Foxy!

  • Crystal Jones

    Thank you Becky! Your little Foxy it too precious. :)

  • Darlene Hennessy

    Foxy is so them corgi kids!!

  • Megan and Bowie

    Hi Becky! I have Foxy's brother! :) His parents were Porsha and Milo as well.  He is doing well and he is great pup, full of life and energy.  Needless to say, he is keeping me busy and making me popular whenever I take him for walk or around town with me.  Well, he is the popular one, not me! Training has been hard work, but he is making progress. So proud of the little guy! Hope Foxy is doing well and maybe they will get a chance to reunite this summer at a meet-up!

  • WhiteDove

    Have a Corgiful weekend. . . .LOL
  • Kim & Stumpy N

    Aw! Thank you, Foxy is a darling pup herself! She looks like a total sweetheart, is she a cuddlebug at all? Stumpy is super playful and does not like to cuddle unless she is really tired lol :)

  • Megan and Bowie

    Hi Becky! I took Bowie to the vet today actually and he is 22 pounds.  Although he is a bigger boy, he still has a slimmer 'figure', with nice waist definition, so the vet wasn't worried about it.  He just has a really long body! Everyone assumes he is much older than he his, until his puppiness comes out, of course! 

  • Lois B. Allen

    Your baby was such an adorable baby and she has grown into a beautiful lady.  I know you are having a wonderful time with her.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Becky,  There is something so special about corgis that exposures to their puppies leaves us addicted to them for life. I have had mostly mixed breeds during my life but I wouldn't want anything but a corgi now.  In addition to Randy, I do have a mixed breed who might be part corgi.

  • Rachael & Waffle

    Waffle is 4 years old and I've had him for three years. :3

  • yvonne reames

    I'm not sure if they are on this site, but they are on FB -- Debborah Long and Lisa Harris. They both have DeKunst pups.

    Congrats on your pup!

  • Miggy & Bella

    Hi Becky! Thank you! We named him after Miguel Cabrera from the Detroit Tigers :) And yes, we did get him from a breeder in Michigan. They are breeding again, and puppies are due during Mother's Day week. Very excited about this, because Miggy will have a brother or sister to play with :) Your puppy is really cute as well! How old is he/she? What's its name? Are you interested in a corgi meet up??? I would love for Miggy to meet other corgis! Talk to you soon! :)

  • Miggy & Bella

    Miggy will be one on Easter Sunday, April 20! I can't believe he'll be one! Time sure does fly by. Where did you guys meet last year? I've been trying to find meet ups in Michigan, but for some reason a lot of the corgi owners live in California. My next corgi I would like to be red and white since Miggy is a tri colored corgi. After getting Miggy last year, I have been nothing but obsessed with Corgis. Please let me know if you hear of any get-togethers in Michigan!

  • Miggy & Bella

    Oh wow! Do you mind me adding you on FB then? I would love to go to that get together in Macomb County. Lansing is a little far away form you, isn't it? Looking forward to meeting you and Foxy!!!

  • Miggy & Bella

    I think I joined the group.. Now I'm just waiting to get approved. He came from Waldron, Michigan. The owner of the Miggy's parents is Deb Platt. She's on my FB as well.