Is this puppy a fluffy, a mix, a mismark, or what?

While browsing for corgis up for adoptions, I stumbled upon this guy:
He just doesn't look right to me, but I can't place it, he looks like he's covered with white fuzz, is he a fluffy? I've never seen a Corgi pup of that color, I'm just curious really :)

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He is certainly "built" like a Corgi, but might be a mix? Or mabye a Cardigan/Pembroke mix? It almost looks like a newborn blue merle but those are only Cardigans. It certainly could be a fluffy pembroke, they look like this but Im not sure. It looks like a JRT/Corgi mix to me.
That picture is so precious, he looks like a teddy bear :)
Doesn't look like this guy is that hairy, more fuzzy, and it says he's 13 weeks, so he's not a baby or anything, he probably is a mix of some kind. I'm just confused probably because it doesn't say that he is, maybe I'll call tomorrow and try to find out just out of curiosity
If it's a shelter or something they do that alot. I was going to rescue one at first and when I searched for "Corgi" about 1000 came up, but when you clicked them they said Corgi[Mix], and some were waaay off, not even remotely Corgi-esque. He's definately got something out of the ordinary going on.
He definitely looks like he has some corgi in him. If he was a fluffy corgi at that age, you could most definitely tell, which he is not. I think he's a mix. The back leg doesn't really look like a corgi's. But, who knows, the way people are breeding irresponsibly. He could be a really low quality corgi. Looks cute though!
He may or may not have corgi.....looks like a cattle dog mix to me
He is not a fluffy, but he is definitely a mismark (if he is purebred). Way too much white on his head, and I've never seen a "Fawn" red coat that light in color. Some of the photos make him look really leggy, but the profile shot (if you imagine him with a docked tail) makes him look very Corgi, still a bit long in the leg. If his weight is around 13 lbs at 13 weeks, he probably is Corgi. Just looks like an example of very poor breeding.
Interesting fella :) looks like corgi X basenji, the legs are longer than corgis, but the face have a very strong corgi feature, it doesn't look like a fluffy coat tho, colors have a little hint of corgi, but not the right color.
Mystery solved - he's a mix with a poodle (I called and asked). So there you have it, if you mix a corgi and a poodle you just might end up with a corgi covered in white fuzz :)
a Corgidoodle or a Porgi? A friend of mine is really into those Hybrid Breeds and god they cost alot of money! She has a Labradoodle F1b, and the dog is all the fun of a lab (size, personality) but doesnt shed! The little Corgi-poo might be a good idea!


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