A little while back, I noticed that someone posted an ad on craigslist that said they picked up a corgi, but had to take it to animal control because their dog didn't like it. They were posting in case someone lost him. Apparently his owner did not claim him, because he's now up for adoption.

I live an hour from this little guy, but from a financial standpoint, I can't own a fourth dog. But if anyone is interested in him, I can go and visit him and report back with information on his personality. As long as he is friendly with other dogs, I can even hold onto him until you could get here to pick him up in order to ensure that he doesn't get put to sleep before you could make it.

His adoption fee is $40 and Georgia law requires that you must have him neutered if he is not already. His adoption fee includes a microchip.

Here is the petfinder link:

PS: I have to say that I love this little guy's coloring. He's adorable. :)

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PS: Yes that little thing in the background is a bed. This animal control has teamed up with some company that offers wholesale pricing to anyone who wishes to purchase a doggy bed for an animal rescue facility. Apparently this little fella is one of the lucky ones who has been given a bed to rest on.
Always good to learn the corgi rescue groups in the area of which you live. Many of us search the net or learn of corgis needing homes. If you are able to alert the rescue group in your area often times they are able to either refer folks in the area of take them in to their rescue program.
The nearest corgi rescue is in South Carolina, but I am going to contact the PWCCA chapter here in Atlanta because they sometimes do rescue work.
Nicole, I'm originally from Atlanta, and my family still lives in the Marietta/Roswell area. Do you happen to know how old he is? Vic and I have been talking about getting another corgi...and rescuing one would be ideal, we'd of course prefer a younger one b/c of Kiwi's age. I'd love to find out some more information about him. Anything else would be greatly appreciated. THanks!
All the listing says is "young". Unfortunately, it was after 5 by the time I saw the ad, but I'm going to give them a call tomorrow during their adoption hours and see if they have a rough estimate of his age, whether or not he's neutered yet, etc.

Actually, Lucas has said that his coworkers keep telling him he needs to take a ride up to Rome sometime, so I'm going to try and talk him into going up this weekend to see this little guy. I'll update with more information when I have it. :)
I think all of you are wonderful for considering adopting this tri corgi. We had great luck, and a little prozac, with Freddie when we brought him home. He was VERY thankful, and fit right in with out cat that same night. I just can't emagine someone returning a dog?
I don't understand it either. Our collie and lab are both rescues, and they're wonderful. I just can't imagine anyone giving either one of them up. They're both so friendly and loveable.

I can kind of understand the dog's finder taking him to a shelter because her dog didn't like him. It wouldn't have been in his best interest to be in a home with an aggressive dog. But he must've had an owner at some point. How could they not care that he was missing? Or even worse, how could they intentionally put him out in the street?
Oh gosh...he looks SO much like little Rolo...
Has someone claimed him yet???
My husband gets home in about 2 hours... we could discuss another one...
Poor little guy... he has such a sweet face.
A small update. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Greater Atlanta got back to me and said they'll see what they can do. I told them to let me know if they need help with fostering.

Saturday's hours at the shelter begin at 1pm, so I am going to give them a call in less than an hour to ask for a little more information (approximate age, is he neutered yet, etc), and I'll share any information that I can get.

If he's still there, I am going to try to get up there this weekend to take a look at him. If I can go, I'll be taking Ein with me to see how he does with other dogs.
Apparently, they answer the phone even if adoption hours haven't started yet. The person I spoke to hadn't seen him yet, so she put me on hold and went back to the kennel to take a look him. She estimates that his teeth appear in really good shape, so she guesses that he is less than two years old. She said that he seems very friendly. She couldn't get too good of a look because the back door was open so he was with other dogs who all wanted a question, but she thinks it looks like he may already be neutered.

Apparently, this isn't the same corgi from petfinder because she told me that the computer said that he was picked up on the 16th and that he will become available for adoption today at 1. His "hold to give his original owners time to find him" just ended.
I've got an update, as I've spoken with the PWCC again, and they have taken him in until he finds a home. If you're interested in learning more about him, you can contact Jody at the PWCC (AllgoodM@mindspring.com). It sounds like he is a great little dog and should have a home soon.

Here is the email, if you would like some more information:

Hi Nicole -

I picked him up on Sunday and named him "Romeo", since he came from Rome. Certainly fits him better than "Floyd" for Floyd county! He really is a sweetheart. He has one ear up & one ear down, one brown eye & one pale blue eye. He has an appointment tomorrow to get neutered, checked for heartworms & his shots. He wants people companionship and is eager to please. We have a couple of folks interested and hopefully he may be adopted as soon as Sunday. If not, he and I will enjoy each other until the right home comes along. Many thanks for giving us the "heads up" about him.
Thanks for the update Nicole!


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