Ever since I got my Pem Winston in July of 2007, my love for this breed has been undying. Although I love all dogs of every shape, size, color, personality, whatever, I am definitely a Corgi enthusiast.

Although I don't condone getting a dog from a breeder (I got Winston from a breeder), I have made the decision to get all my future dogs/cats/whatever from shelters. There are so many lovely dogs out there that are in shelters waiting to be adopted, while corgis from breeders are living in a home with attention daily. Since I love Corgis and want to adopt from a shelter, I thought I might pass the idea on to others. I know many on here probably want another corgi to add to their life, or at least I do, so I found a website that can find corgis in your area that are in shelters.


Both these links allow you to find corgis in your area that are in shelters! However I do want to say that I don't think anyone's a horrible person for getting a dog from a breeder. Dogs are dogs no matter where you get them. But if you are looking to add a corgi to your family and wouldn't mind adopting from a shelter, I definitely recommend looking there!

Also, if anyone is in or around the Dayton, Ohio area and does not have a dog, there is a corgi named Princess Annie who you can find on petfinder.com. She has been on the website for a long time and it breaks my heart as she is 12 years old and no one wants to adopt her because she is a senior corgi. She does not get along with other dogs but I can tell she is a sweetheart nonetheless. If you know anyone in or around Ohio that would not mind adopting an older, sweet dog, please tell them about Princess Annie! I would post the link but I'm going to be honest, every time I see her picture it makes me cry. She is such a sweet little dog and I really wish I could provide her with a home, but I have a dog and she does not like other dogs very much. Please pass the word on about her!!! The best way to search her is search corgi and just type in my zipcode "43017"

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I agree! I have 3 corgis; all rescues! My first one, Yogi, is the best dog I have ever had. The unfortunate problem is that he has Degenerative Myelopathy and I am praying that the other 2 corgis, Mavis (who has severe arthritis and only 5 years old) and now Arlo (14 weeks old). We have a bloodhound who I purchased from a breeder 11 years ago, obviously a great breeder and Opal has surpassed life span and our loveable mutt, JD. RESCUE, RESCUE, RESCUE!
I also agree with the rescue idea. We wanted a puppy for our first dog,but couldn't find one on petfinder or in our local shelters. So, we purchased a puppy from a breeder. But, I made sure that we adopted our second dog from a rescue. Ed, from a rescue in Northern MN has been a wonderful addition. He is such a loving little puppy and Ed and Ein get along most of the time (they are trying to figure out who is top dog after almost 2 months). Ed did come with some baggage that we are working on, but I wouldn't trade either of my puppies for the world.
Before I got Ein, I casually searched petfinder and went to adoption events for about a year hoping to find a corgi. After the decision was made that we were going to get a corgi, I was on petfinder almost daily and went to the adoption events at both petsmart and petco every saturday for about 6 months. Unfortunately the youngest and healthiest corgi I could find was 7 years old and had aggression issues. Corgis are not popular in my area and people always ask "What is that?" when they see Ein today. So I went to a breeder. I am was happy with the breeder and her corgis are very social and healthy. She had a farm with lots of room for them to run!

I still go to the adoption events at least two saturdays a month mostly just to get some socialization for Ein (We don't have dog parks here :( ). Last saturday I was surprised when I saw a sweet 12 week old little corgi. I called everyone I knew until I found a home for him. My cousin adopted him and named him Pixle.
Sophie is a rescue Corgi. We adopted her when she was 7 years old. She is now 8 years old. Our lives have been so enriched by adding her to our family. She is the best! Our German Shepherd, Lucy, is also a rescue, and she is an absolute sweetheart. I really do believe that rescue dogs share a special bond with their families...I know both of mine do.
Oh I know what you mean! My corgi mix Bruce was 10 when we rescued him. He is just the best dog and so loving and attached to me like crazy! He's 14 now and I am SO glad we decided to bring him home.


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