First off before anyone gets worried, Roxi is fine, she isn't having seizures.

I'm asking on here because with my time here I've grown to respect and trust a lot of answers I've read here :)

Two weeks ago Roxi's cousin Apex (yes the terror husky) had her very first seizure when we went over to visit so I could tape them playing (yea... I have the first few moments on tape now..) to post in one of Roxi's videos...

well remembering what I read online we stayed back and I put roxi in another room (she was worried, yipping and trying to get to her...) and we waited it out... then a while later as they played outside like nothing happened we discussed it and ended up going to my new vet which I like.

Well needless to say after explaining everything to the vet he told us that since she was acting normally at the time.. all her exams are normal all we could do is 1. see how often they come 2. tape it for them next time and 3. then figure out what medication to put her on if she needs any.

He offered a place where she could be monitored that night if we wanted.. took some blood and sent us home..

well they never called back with the blood work (Im going to call them sometime today about it) and two days ago she had another seizure...

This just got me thinking and I wanted to ask you guys what you thought about it... should we get another opinion with another vet to see what they say? or wait it out and see how frequent they become? She's almost 2 years now and in three weeks(?) she's had two seizures.

I will say that my parents with their lab a while ago had issues with some of the vets around here... one actually almost killing their pup early with their method of taking care of her current cancer. (with another vet she lived three more years). So I'm happy with my current vet but truthfully have not been here long enough or have gone to them long enough to know how good they are with emergency issues.

So yea.... What do you think?

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I think it would be beneficial to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion, 3 brains are better than 1 :)
Yea was planning on seeing if mister brother would be willing to do it. He better be ;) Now I have to start looking up vet reviews and seeing who we should check out.
My Cobi has been on seizure medication for about 8 years now. With his first seizure we rushed him to the emergency vet(weekend) and took him to his regular vet the next day. They did some tests and determined that it was idiopathic epilepsy, meaning no known cause, and advised us to wait and see if anymore occured before starting medication. It was probably about six months later when he had another one and then after that they became more frequent so we started him on phenobarbital. He has had two incidents where we had to take him to emergency because they wouldn't stop (always on the weekend!) and they just give him valium and kept him overnight. After the first incident like that we added another medication - potassium bromide. His meds helped to keep the seizures less frequent, say once a month or sometimes he would go 3 months without any. Now at 11 yrs old they are even less frequent although it seems he has frequent mini ones where he just quivers slightly or spaces out. I know every dog is different, but it is manageable. I would definitely get a 2nd opinion.
Sadly there is often no defined reason for seizures. If the vet cant see them they cant diagnose them. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to seizures (may do some research on the huskey breed) Keeping them over night really will be of little help as chances are they will not see one. If they are coming with a frequency I would suggest to start on a low dose of medication. Seizures can often be controlled for a very long time with the proper dosage of medication. Do know that regular bloodwork will be necessary while on medication.


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