Found this lady on youtube and thought it would be fun to share!

Have any tips or questions? :)

I have one hehe.. Anyone teach their corgi how to do the nose-treat trick? The one where you leave the treat on their nose until you say ok?

We have leave it down.. and wait.. and she's great with patience.. but Im unsure if something bad happened when she was a pup at the breeders place or what but she'll let you leave the treat anywhere but her nose.
She freaks out like she's done something bad for some reason when I try to get her to sit still and balance the dang thing :( Then Im a bad mommy for a little while till she crawls back into my lap... I don't do anything to provoke this either.. Im calm.. I speak low and never move quickly when I try it out. Its the weirdest thing.

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Ha, i love the last one where she cant get him to lay down! thats so funny.
My wife Silvia have taught Mocha to do the nose / treat trick and it's his least favorite trick :) He gets very anxious and just "dying" to hear you say the "ok" aka : release command. I'm gonna see if i can capture it on video for ya :)
lol that would be great!
kaycee does the nose trick, but it took foRrrrrever! at the beginning, she hated the nose thing also. Anywhere but the nose, otherwise she'd run away and didn't even want the treat. so we just adjusted and put it on her paw or her back, and eventually moved to her face/nose. I think she realized that we weren't trying to hurt her~ but it's funny that your corgi hates treats on the nose as well ;D
Thanks for the link to the videos. It made me feel better that even the trainer had a hard time with the lay down command. Those corgis and their short legs! I still am working on the lay down command with Miles hoping we will have a breakthrough soon.
We did the old leash trick with Roxi since we were using a long lead anyways to train her 'off leash'. You put the leash under your shoe and pull down gently as you say 'down' or 'lay' or whatever you wanna call it lol. She was a struggle the first few times because she was confused then got used to the leash, a gentle tug and she would just lay down. Then we weaned her off that by just tugging lightly on her collar at home which made her remember the leash and she just laid down. Eventually we could stop the tug because she recognized the voice command.

Its just another way of doing it :) Everyone has their own tricks.

After we got all the voice commands down then we started using the hand motions which she caught on pretty quickly.

My biggest trouble with her was "shake". For some reason she picked up everything else like nothing and mostly in a day.... but shake was a two week process for her.. Every night for 30 minutes... oye...
first of all, great you are calm...all feelings and attitude goes right to the dog....kaley corgi does the nose treat thing well, and i am justmerely working on her to sorta put her chin down a lil, for it is like she does not want the treat to fall off!

i do not think it is all that important what possibly happened long before you got is mainly what you are doing now...

she has to be taught not to be scared, but start might not be as easy as putting a treat on her nose at this point...does she even like you touching her nose??? if not, start slow and merely touch her nose, not for long..... if she does not even let you do this, then only put your finger close to her nose....not long..... have her sit or down and do this....then release her and tell her she is good after you just either hold your finger close by or touch her gently.....eventually, you will work towards putting an object on her nose......when i started kaley corgi, i started with something small, half a treat, just something she knew was on her nose.....then i worked up to a full biscuit.....

small steps, always praise is important.

only half a cookie???? (1 of 5)

work with just a small treat first

i am Happy the corgi clown dog

maybe you can work up to being totally silly and have your dog being totally okay with nose play!

good luck

just remember to make it fun...if you do not make it fun....that is where later on, your corgi kid will shut down....and you have to back track in took me 8 mo to get kaley corgi to love the teeter, because the first time i let her on, she had no clue what it was, and major freaked when it banged and dropped!...

kaley corgi kisses : )
awww great pictures :)

Yea I think it'll just take some time.. Its funny because we can touch her anywhere and play with her nose and everything but once you try to get her to sit still and put something on her nose thats when she freaks. So human hands and toys are A-okay! except if you try to place the toy :( I tried that too... sneakiness doesn't work apparently.

Which is also funny because she'll sit like a statue when you put the treat anywhere else :/

Im so confused by this little girl...

Thanks for the advice!


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