I was just wondering what other pets everyone has besides Corgis.

I have:

Mimi (Cat, female)
Buddy (Cat, female, Mimi's sister)
Benjamin (Guinea Pig, male)
Timothy (Guinea Pig, male, Benjamin's brother)
Rover (Syrian Hamster, female)

Plus two Corydoras Catfish, five Neon Tetras and an Otocinclus. I'm a dog person, cat person, rodent person and fish person!

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Opal and Houston are siblings and I rescued them. My snakes will be from 4 to 6 ft. long by the age of 3-6 years!!!!!!!!!They are so sweet!
We have Bruce and Chester, the corgi mix and the lab/dane:

We have 2 cats: Hammie is the black and white and is about 15 years old. Pippin is the orange/white and he is about 5, and psycho:

We have a bearded dragon named Francis. This is not actually Francis but an honest representation:
bearded dragon6 Pictures, Images and Photos

We have a leopard gecko named Geico. Again this is not actually Geico but a lookalike:
leopard gecko Pictures, Images and Photos

And a tank full of tropical fish!
The corgi, one cat, 3 chin chins, one bunny, and a hedgehog!
We have Rex our rescue pup.
Max kind of reminds me of a puggle. Except maybe a pug/lab mix?

I have two sugar gliders ^ This is Jack. His son Edward is hyper and very hard to take pics of.

And of course Ein

I also have a lab mix, Tucker; a rough collie, Colleen; and a chinchilla, Pikachu.


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