Don't know if everyone has heard, but a friend of mine on dogster, "Eddie Murphy Taylor" posted this in the Club Corgi forum and I felt that we should also have the information.

"Corgi Aid was voted Pedigree Award Winner for 2007, for their efforts and the special way all of us come together to help raise funds to take care of the homeless corgis around the world. They also want to film Corgi Aid, so they are putting a picnic together to honor the event. It is going to be in Tenn and it is called the Corgi Aid Polar Bear Picnic. All of us on Corgi-L is stepping up and sending state baskets, sport baskets, I am making a military basket to send to the picnic to be auctioned off to raise money for Corgi Aid. They are also going to be taken online Auctions as well and I wanted to let all of you know so you could take part in it if you like. They are selling t-shirts and stuff on cafe press as well to honor the event. The webpage for the cafe press items is and the website for the auction is So take a look and lets show the world how wonderful we can be."

I've already ordered a "Corgi Attack" t-shirt. Hope you'll go and check it out. You could use the link to CorgiAid on the lower right hand section of the MyCorgi page.

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Thanks for posting Sylvia! Some of you might have seen my video of the last corgi aid picnic in Florida. It is one of those event that you'll have attend at least once in your life :)
Your welcome Sam. I really feel this organization deserves support. I just wish I was closer to the action. Seems like all the picnics are on the other side of the country. Are there ever any on the left coast? LOL
Corgi Aid is a terrific organization. Its mission is to provide financial support to rescued corgis and corgi mixes to help them receive medical services so they can become healthy once again and go on to their new forever homes. I know they have helped our organization with several dogs that had medical needs beyond the scope of our financial constraints. I can recall two different dogs that were hit by cars and needed extensive surgery and therapy to regain the use of their body. We have had several others that needed surgical procedures to stay alive. Corgi Aid is a national organization and helps dogs all over the country.
The picnics are lots of fun and in some areas have become an annual tradition. Corgi Aid also has an online auction each year which has lots of wonderful corgi items to bid on. The have a very informative book called "Everything Corgi" which is a great addition to any corgi lovers library. They offer many other items that are desireable to those that love corgis and the proceeds all go to Corgi Aid.
Here's more information regarding the award and picnic cross posted from Corgi Rescue

"For those who haven?t heard, Corgi Aid, has been chosen as Pedigree?s 2007 Award Winner for Best Breed Rescue Fundraising Program. The award will be presented at a banquet to be held during Westminster festivities this year. At the request of Pedigree as a way of showing Corgi Aid in action, Susie Noel is hosting the Corgi Aid Polar Picnic in Kingsport, TN on January 27, 2008. A film crew will be there to capture the picnic - the spirit and support of the corgi community for Corgi Aid. The film will be run at Pedigree booths across the country throughout the year.

The coming together of the corgi communities to celebrate and support has been phenomenal. Donations have poured in from all over, nationally and internationally. Attendance is looking to be great, especially given there has only been a three week time frame to pull this all together.

So to continue the celebration and party here are some updates.

The official picnic page can be found at:
There are links to lodging, directions, planned activities for the day, and the silent auction on there. If you think you may be able to attend and haven?t done so yet, please RSVP by Friday, January 25th. This will help planning for how many pizzas to order and how many RC?s and moonpies will be needed for the end of picnic reception.

A Yahoo list has been created for the Polar Bear Picnic:

Plans are for an online auction to begin tomorrow, Sunday, January 20 at midnight. There are some amazing offerings and bidding should be lots of fun. So far I know there is everything from Alaskan salmon fillets for humans, canines and even c*ts to Dairy Queen themed ice cream sundae collection to a basket honoring all branches of the military to the works of many of our favorite breed artists to herding and performance items to tea towels, Nintendo dogs and lots of dog treats and the list goes on and on and on ? suffice to say there should be something for everyone.

The very talented Chris Landers has created a special logo for the event and items with the logo are available through the Corgi Aid Café Press store:
(As a note, the Award is for 2007 even though the picnic is being held in 2008, so the date on the logo is correct.)

It isn?t too late to still donate items; please send a photo and/or description to Susie Noel at or Photos and larger files, please use the e-mail address. I learned last night in the midst of all the preparations; Susie?s computer has been in the shop twice. So if anyone has tried to e-mail her or send information about a donation and perhaps not heard back, please try again; she is aware she has lost a few e-mails. Thanks to her quieter and not always so visible half, Wayne, things have been arranged to make sure everything is clicking along smoothly.

This award belongs to all of us - the "regular ol' corgi owners" - the very dedicated and hard working staff and board of Corgi Aid, conformation people, performance folks, breeders, rescuers, the "just a pet owners", everyone who has donated an item or made a bid during an auction; everyone who has attended a picnic or made a donation in memory of a beloved corgi now walking on silent paws or anyone who came up with a creative idea and implemented to raise money for Corgi Aid, or manned a Corgi Aid Store at a rescue day event ... Corgi Aid is us and we are Corgi Aid and boy do we have something to celebrate!

Feel free to cross post as you wish.
Debbie Campbell
Deedles? Corgwn

PS: IF you can?t remember all the url?s, just remember the one for Corgi Aid:
All links can be linked to from there. "


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