On February 23, 2008 in Hurricane UT Sushi, a Welsh Pembroke, set a new record for speed in her breed in the game of Flyball.
Sushi ran the course in 5.212 seconds with 6in jumps.
You can see Sushi's record setting run at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRR2Isj-c54

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That's exciting! Yeah SUSHI...rocket dog...resetting the bar!
Can you believe it!! Great job Sushi. I understand that Sushi was a rescue also. Shows that given a good job a corgi can excel!!
Sushi was a throw away... all because of to much white on her ear! Taken in by a devoted and energetic lady she has excelled in herding, competed in frisbee (she uses the smaller frisbees so she can carry them ), and dabbled in agility. This is a corgi that can do it all!

What would be cute if you could put her run up on the site. Then everyone could enjoy watching. Just a thought.

I don't think I've seen the smaller frisbee, I'll have to check that out, 'cause Timmy is a chasing fool and loves to run. Thanks for the information.

Let Sushi's owner/handler know this corgi mom appreciates her love and devotion to a corgi kid!!

check out
the "pup" disc is what Sushi uses. It's 7" diameter. The jawz are more expensive but will last forever. The competition standard are cheaper, but only last a few sessions and have teeth marks in them that can cut mouths. My recommendation is the "Jawz ugly".

I will see if the video of just Sushi's run can be put up on the site.
Would the softer discs be better to start out learning to catch the frisbee? Or doesn't that matter? Just curious cause I saw them on the site.

I encourage you to check out all the great info on the rest of the website http://hyperflite.com/index.html
lots of great advice for properly training a dog to play frisbee.
The video of Sushi's record breaking run is now uploaded on to this site. Enjoy watching her, she is really amazing.
Flyball is a sport in which herding dogs excel. Every team needs a short dog to set the jump heights for the fast tall dogs. I encourage all of you with dogs that have more energy and more smarts than you know what to do with give flyball a try. It will keep your corgi in shape!
Yea Sushi show em how its done! :)

I actually enjoy watching flyball on tv lol
Connie, how old is Sushi - my yr old cardi is just gettin started in agility, but she has one growth plate that still wont fuse, so i have to watch her for her jumps. my five year old cardi, when he heard the word, "ball", has been barking ever since.... congrats on Sushi's phenomenal performance...


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