Finding a Legit Breeder in the Southeast/General Tips

Hi all: We are in the process of thinking about adding another corgi to our family sometime in the next year or so. I've looked online and found some breeders who are very open to on-site visits (even before the dogs are bred, "come anytime") which to me makes them seem more reputable. Other indicators to me would be things like number of puppies available per year (a high number of litters a year piques my suspicions).

1. Does anyone have experience/advice on signs of breeders to avoid/red flags
2. Does anyone know of good breeders within driving distance (to avoid flight shipping) of the Georgia/SC/Eastern TN//NC/VA corridor? Driving distance to me can be a day's drive. The challenge for us is we aren't seeking top tier champion show bloodlines ($$$$) but a nice corgi on the smaller side who will be healthy and happy :).

Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!

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I would look at the website of the Palmetto Welsh Corgi Club website. Often those that are active in their regional corgi clubs have a code of ethics that they must adhere to. This is a good place to start. Looking for a corgi on the smaller side may not bode well for you as if folks are breeding smaller dogs they are typically not breeding to standard or do health checks. Those that do health testings and do show their dogs often do far more selective breedings and are far more knowledgeable about the breed. Spending a bit more in the beginning often saves you far more $$ in the long run.
The basics is that you want to make sure that the breeder is doing health checks on the dam and that if she owns the sir that she is breeding for quality not, because she is not paying for stud feed. The Sir also needs to have health checks, breeder have options to avoid known genetic problems such as long coats (fluffies), mismarks, monorchidism, hip dysplasia and inherited eye problems such as progressive retinal atrophy.
So questions to ask are:
Are the sire and dam screened clear of hip dysplasia via an OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) evaluation?
Are the eyes certified clear of inherited conditions by a veterinary opthamologist?
Describe the temperament of both the sire and dam. Any noise sensitivity or other observed fears? How do they react to new situations?
What other inherited conditions are found in Pembroke, Cardigan? (Hint: if the answer is "none"-that's not the right answer!) Does the breeder openly talk about reproductive issues, cancer and auto-immune diseases, hips and eyes?
Hip dysplasia
Eye problems: progressive retinal atrophy, retinal folds, persistent pupilarily membranes, cataracts
Cancer and auto-immune system problems (including under-active and overactive immune systems)
Reproductive problems: uterine inertia during whelping, sterility in males (related to auto-immune problems?)
So, just remember, you might not want to show, but many quality breeders do, they also might specialize in agility, herding, and more. It is less expensive in the long run to not have to ask your self if you really want to pay $2,000, to $6,000 to have your dogs hips reconstructed, or chose to watch the animal live in pain. Please also make sure that the breeder is available to answer questions for the rest of your dogs life, and if you want ask the breeder if they have referrals.
Hi Dottie-
"Top tier Champion breeders" often have very nice, healthy, physically and mentally sound pets available that will save you money and possibly heartbreak in the future. Knowing that all health checks have been done on the sire and dam prior to breeding helps insure that offspring too, will be healthy. Prices may be higher at the onset but well worth it in the long run!
A lot of money, thought, love for the breed and years of experience go into every litter produced by a RESPONSIBLE breeder, most never "make money" on a litter... they are lucky if they break even.
Take Care!


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