I think we should all discuss about getting together.  I don't know when the last time you all got together and how many turned out.  I would like to hear more from this.  If someone can give me a heads up to maybe what you did last time.  What you liked about it and what you didn't.  I would like to set up something.  Or maybe you have elected someone to set up our meetings.  Just let me know...

Views: 157

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Don't worry Kris. I am hoping to do it really soon again.
Looks like y'all had a lot of fun. Hopefully Henry and I will be able to make it next time.
I'm sorry you were not able to make it.
I think it would be great if we could have sort of regular get togethers. So that if it worked with your schedule you could show up and if notm, no big deal, you know there will be another one soon.
I love this idea. Maybe like every second Sunday of the month or every other Sunday?
Great idea!
I like the idea of every second Sunday. :-) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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