Help! Missing Corgi Westport CT area ~ scared by fireworks New Years Eve :(

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Hi Michelle, thanks for posting, is there anyway we can reach Jordina via email / Facebook / phone number?

Hi Sam,

I found this posting on facebook.  It was posted by Corgi Copper on the Corgi Rescues of America page.  Corgi Copper received the information from Nikki Stamm who has a facebok page.  It appears that Jordina also has a facebook page.  I can send a message to Corgi Copper to find out more information like email or phone number if it would help.  I hope they find Andrew soon!  It is starting to get cold here in Connecticut.  If you need any other information let me know.

Thanks, go ahead and post a link, I'll spread the word for ya :) I hope andrew will find his way home soon.

I have some friends in that area, have passed it on to them!

Thank you!

I am mainly commenting so this stays near the top of the forum.  I pray you find him.  Please keep us updated.

Here is the link for his owners wall.  They are still looking for him  :(!/4furrykids?sk=wall

I hope, hope, hope he finds his way home! If anyone hears, will they please post news of this poor lost man?

Andy is still missing, but everyone is holding out hope that he will be reunited with his family soon. Please pass along the word and his photo to anyone you may know in the area.  The more people aware of his situation the better chance he has of reuniting with Jordina and Mike.  For those who may not have read any of the above info, Andy is not familiar with the area, he is a visitor who normally calls Massachusetts home.  His owner has remained in the area to find him.  He does not have collar on, but he is microchipped so a quick scan by a shelter or vet can provide contact information for his owner.  Someone with information can contact his owner by calling 781-264-5243.  While I don't believe anyone with a heart requires the incentive, please know that there is a reward for his safe return.  He is dearly loved and greatly missed.

Trying to keep this in everyone's mind as Andy still has not been found.  His flyer (with photo and info) can be found at  His listing date is 1/4/12 and the city and state is Norwalk, CT.  Thank you.

:(  This makes me soooo sad.  Everyday I am hopeful he has been found. 


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