My little girl ferret died today...I posted this on another forum and deleted it because everyone was so rude there. She was 5 years old, and their life span is 5-7 years if I recall correctly. She was also the runt of the litter so she was always small but I noticed that she looked like she was losing some weight yesterday, so I gave her some vitamins in her food and water and she had some eye crusties so I cleaned them off but she seemed like she was doing fine, I checked on her again before I went to bed and she crawled out of the cage onto my arm when I opened it to get petted like she always does. Well, this morning I go into check on her when I woke up, and she was laying there almost lifeless and my Fiance was already at work an hour away and my family is out of town on a camping trip. and even if my Fiance was home, They decided TODAY to drain the sewage pipes outside our apartment and all the cars were blocked in when I got up. I don't think there was any saving there because she died not even an hour after I found her like that. I tried to get her to drink and eat but she wouldn't and I put her in a box with one of my old t-shirts and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I called my mom crying and she said I could go over to her house to bury her and said to just make her comfortable as possible because I've had her for a long time and it just sounds like old age.

The people on the other forum guilt tripped me like I could've done more but by the time my fiance got back and we started heading to the vet she probably would've died along the way there..  I'm still so upset over this and now all the people from the other forum just made it worse.

am I really a horrible person?

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I ended up sleeping most of the day yesterday so I wasn't really "alone" with my grief, but anytime I was awake I was basically bawling. No tears yet today though, My friend texted me last night and told me I shouldn't feel guilty because I did more than what most people would.

We're going to go to petco in a little bit to get some ferret toys and treats for Spice to help him so he doesn't get depressed, I heard when they lose their cagemate that they can get depressed but with knowing that Spice may die in the next two years of his average life span, I don't think I want another ferret and to put him through the stress of introducing a new one after he just lost Sugar - they were from the same litter.
I am a vet tech, and have been fostering ferrets for years.

Spice will be okay as long as you continue to give him LOTS of out-of-cage time. Single ferrets need a LOT more one-on-one time with their humans. Yes, it's true that loosing a companion can send them into a depression. But if you step in to be his new bff, he will be okay.

Also, lifespan for ferrets is actually a bit longer depending on a few variables. 9-10 is my "normal".

To me, it sounds like Sugar had an intestinal blockage. But there's no way to know for sure.

I'm sorry for your loss. Fuzzies sure do steal our hearts...
Omg Krystal, I think we are both on the same forums, it's a wedding forum, right? I'm so sorry about your ferret. You are not a horrible person. When an animal gets old and you can tell they're slowing down it's natural, not something to freak out over. Obviously it's sad but it's a natural part of life and it probably would have been more distressing to her to be taken from her home.
I don't know what was wrong with her, I was googling tons of reasons as to what could have happened and found that Marshall Ferrets can have shorter life spans which she was a marshall ferret.. I did tons of research before my mom would let me get them when I got them in high school and The people at petco said they'd live to be 5 to 7 years old. and yeah Mary I'm on Weddingbee and WeddingWire. I've been giving him attention and I got him a bunch of new toys and a new hammock so we'll see..He seems fine and my fiance said he seems fine too. the room there cage in is ferret proofed too so I've been letting him run around today and yesterday but putting him in the cage when we leave or go to sleep.
Yeah I'm on WW too. I'm Mary <3s Mike. It's good to hear that your other ferret is doing well. I saw your post on your ferret last night but I caught it early on and must have missed the jerks who were trying to make you feel bad. I'm so sorry :( it's hard enough loosing a furry friend.
It was on the forums that made me feel like jerks, thank god it wasn't WW. :(

Spice is rolling around in his ball right now and my ferret playpen is at my parents house so I'm going to get it off them and set it up in our living room so when Im in the living room during the day (thank god Im still unemployed when this happened and can devote ALOT of time to him) I can play with him and keep an eye on him. We totally could've afforded to go to the vet but I kept checking on her every hour on Thursday, and she seemed like she was getting better, and then I checked her before I went to bed and she was asleep but woke up when I opened the cage and she crawled onto my arm to get petted like she usually does, and then I played with her and Spice for a little bit and put her back into the cage and went to bed, and then in the morning I checked on her and she was laying there lifeless. She didn't even look like she had something wrong til Thursday.
You did what you could to comfort her as she passed. And she appreciated all you did. Go easy on yourself. You don't deserve the beating.


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