I keep seeing ads for designer puppies in the papper and on the internet some as high as a 1000.00 dollars. Is this not hurting breeders? Isn't one of the things your paying for a healthy dog? Acouple of these even said papered becausemom and dad were. Whats te deal?

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Its not just you. That's the puppy mill industry at work. All we can do is try to educate people so that they know of the horrible conditions in which so many of these dogs are bred and raised, and the health risks that they may have due to poor breeding. I think it is so sad, because these poor dogs are victims.
To me, designer dogs are nothing more than mutts. At least that is what they were called way back when; a pup from two completely different breeds=a mutt.

I think the first so called designer breed was a cockapoo. I remember everyone wanting one of them. Then, along came pekeapoos. Now there are labadoodles and chugs and whatever fancy name they can thing of. I agree and think that this can make a rather unhealthy dog. Although, I have a chorgi (chow/corgi), but she was a rehome, I had nothing to do with the breeding of her. She has the body of a corgi, head similar to a chow and the personality leaning more to a chow (aloof, one person dog, protector). I wouldn't trade her for the world!
And more to Cassandra's point while all dogs are a roll of the dice health wise, meaning that we really don't ever know what long term health issues we will face, I really wonder if any of the inherent problems of the breeds being cross bred are going to become even more pronounced. IE hip dyspasia, blindness etc.


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