Guten Tag from Germany!  So Butters has officially become an international traveler.  Life has so many twists and turns that you never see coming, I swear!  So my boyfriend deployed to Stuttgart, Germany, which just happens to be where my parents live as well.  So of course Butters and I had to pack up our things and come as well.  :)  My little Butterball has now been here over a month and is adjusting far beyond my expections.  SHE LOVES IT HERE!! 

    I'm stayin with my parents, who have two shelties.  Which means Butters has two new best friends.  And while they don't have quiet the energy she does, they keep up with her.   Luckily for me they all get along even though they are all females.  There are so many great places to walk your dog, and EVERYWHERE I go I get comments about my Butterball.  You do not see Corgis here in Germany.  So far my favorite comments have been: "Wow, look at her big ears", "Aww, she has no legs", or my personal favorite "Your dog looks like an Easter Bunny with such big ears".  (Please keep in mind he put his hands up by his head to demonstrate how big easter bunny ears were.)  All I can do is laugh and smile because I know she is putting a smile on all their faces.  And when I do get the rare person who does know that she is a Corgi, they instantly call her the Queen's dog.  Gotta thank this royal wedding that's coming up that's giving us so much Corgi exposure. 

   Alright, so on to my question.  I can get some American brand dog foods here, which I prefer to keep her on because we will be returning to the States at some point.  She is also getting ready to make the transition from puppy to adult food.  So far I've had her on Science Diet but I am not so thrilled with reviews I've heard and from my own personal experience.  My other options here would be either Royal Canin or Nutro Natural Choice.  Any ideas on which would be better for my pup?  I need all your Corgi opinions! :)

Thanks Everyone!  Auf Wiedersehen!


Ps... attached are pictures of Butters and her new best friends.  And had to include one of her and her antics with toilet paper.  I caught her in the act!


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"corgi" & "picky eater" never go in the same sentence. Unless there is a "not" or "never" in there ;-)
You know strangely enough she has never been a picky eater till the last month or two.  Now with the other dogs she has become a "grazer" which has me all baffled.  My corgi.. a grazer???!?!  Lol.  But that's her new thing.  I'm thinking that once she comes around to some better smelling food that might change.  :)  Royal Canin it is!
So cute. I would suggest Royal Canine. You can in some places find Pro Plan. Enjoy you time in Germany. Gute Nacht ;)
haha! i love the 2nd pic!
I like that the corgi and the shelty to the left have the same widow's peak! makes them look like family
The second pic is great!  "Busted!"
Pictures are great!!!! Try getting food at the BX or PX they should have a limited supply of brands you might know.
I don't really have any food pointers for you.  However, enjoy Germany!  If I didn't live in America, my first choice would be there.  Went for 2 weeks in 2002.  Beautiful country, great food and friendly people!

Awww eure Hünde sind ja alle richtig schön!  Bin froh zu hören, daß die drei Mädels sich gut verstehen :)


Ich wohnte 6 Monaten in Leipzig und dort sah ich fast jeden Hundrasse aber nie einen Corgi..  Butters wird Corgis in Deutschland gut repräsentieren, glaube ich :o)


Ich kann's mich genau vorstellen, wie die Deutschen auf Butters reagieren lol!  Mein Freund, ich, und unser Johannchen hoffen, daß wir auch eines Tages in Deutschland leben können.  Ich wünsche dir, deinem Mann, und der Butters ein tolles und sichres Erlebnis in Stuttgart .


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