I'm feeling like Roxy deserves a companion. It just seems as though
Corgis, like all good things in the universe, should come in pairs.
She's finally overcome the trouble she was having with other dogs and I
think she's ready. We even got to meet some other corgis. It's funny,
her reaction to another corgi is totally different. It helps that the
ones we've met so far were super tubby and laid back.

I live in northern IL and I've contacted every single PWCCA registered
breeder in my state asking the obvious quality control questions. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't mind
waiting lists, but some of the breeders I contacted told me that they
breed one litter every 2 years. My ideal wait time would be something
like 9 months. Since most breeders release a puppy after 3 to 4 months,
that would put me right around a year of waiting, which I feel like I
can live with.

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I live in Central IL and I got my pems from Sandy Johnson over at Sunny Garden Farm corgis. She's great. www.sunnygardenfarm.com
I agree Sam, and just to stick another crumb in the mix, DM is a disease that the research on is in its infancy stage... In lieu of jumping headlong into the "DM CLEAR" bandwagon prematurely, lets remember there are a ton of other traits to select for.... I reccomend testing , but let us be clear in learning and explaining the results....I think testing overall will give us and researchers a clearer idea of just how much of the population in corgis carries or is affected or at risk for this disease, and how many dogs are actually clear for this particular mutated gene, but we really do not know what/how this gene affects the actual onset of DM, yet..... but even with limited experience, I urge people contemplating breeding or even purchasing a pup to learn as much as is available and seek out informed breeders willing to work through it all with you ..It is my limited oppinion that to select simply for "clear" DM result could bring on a world of other problems in short order ....
just my thoughts.... by all means if you have a clear individual who also meets the criteria for selective traits that will enhance your line , by all means.... my fear is we may select to narrowly for Dm when not wnough is known at the cost of other hard earned traits if not careful and if not seek all the info we can get and educate the puppy buyers to the best of ability....


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