I am looking to adopt a baby to young Pembroke. A year ago, I had to have my Pembroke, Phineas, euthanized due to status epilepticus. Despite, the vet's best efforts he was unable to bring him permanently out of the siezure and due to the length he had been seizing there was nothing left to do. He had seizures a few months after I bought him and they continued to grow worse depsite being on two meds. I am now ready to add a corgi to my family again. I recently moved and now have a nice big fenced in yard. If anyone can please help me in my search I would be so thankful. Phineas was the most devoted and loyal dog I ever had, and I find myself feeling empty without a cute corgi butt and personality in my life.

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Some in Lima Ohio has a baby girl that needs to be adopted. You probably already saw the blog post on the main page of mycorgi, but I thought I would let you know!


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