I'm writing this today to try and make more people aware of pet shop puppies and why one should not buy a pet shop pup or at least be more aware of the breed your looking to purchase.
This started when on 2 occasions I had puppy buyers inquire on my pups because they fell in love with a Corgi pup at a pet store. The first pet store was Kamm's Corner Pet at the corner of Lorain Rd. and Rocky River Dr. in Cleveland. The other was Petland in North Olmsted this past weekend. I was asked to look these puppies over and give my honest opinion. I warned these people that I do not condone the selling of pups in stores, specially when buyers are not screened and impulse buying is promoted.
At Kamms Corner, the pups were not on wire but well bedded clean large pens with other pups for socialization. Regularly the pups were allowed out to roam the store. The owner of the store was friendly and more then willing to answer my questions and show me paperwork. This Corgi pup on the other hand didn't seem healthy. He was not very social for a 3-4 mo old puppy, pot bellied, and skinny. The quality of this pup was lacking. The price was more reasonable then most pet store pups with discounts on many additional needs the pup would need for $650.00. BUT....I was told the pup was AKC and came from a reputable breeder. After that being said I asked to see the paperwork to learn this pup wasn't AKC and came from Missouri. I am in noway suggesting that Missouri only homes puppy mills but when a pup travels this far with no AKC paperwork to a pet store, well if it walks and quacks like a duck...then I see it as a duck.
Petland in North Olmsted earns a big fat F. They are misleading, deceiving, and in noway screen buyers anymore then the credit they hold by promoting puppy sales and monthly payment plans. Considering the price of this Corgi pup on sale for $1299.00, I would say they'd need to offer a payment plan for most impulsive pet buyers. The pups were kept on wire bottoms with smaller breeds having their paws slipping through. Even with being on wire bottoms to keep pups out of feces, the pups hair coat was grimmey and a lot of shedding which tells me they are not groomed or bathed regularly. His weight was good, nails short, good bite, eyes clean, but horrible tail job. Very happy pup that was out of control with biting anything his mouth could be laid on without any concern of retaliation that they learn from litter mates or mother. He had no idea how to behave amongst humans and had been allowed this behavior and fear that someone who is a novice or has a young kid is not going to be a good combination. When walking away he seemed cow hocked and weak in the back legs for a 12 week old pup but with the small limited space provided for viewing and the slippery service and overly excited pup it was hard to evaluate.
I asked if he was AKC registered and was told he was. Was also told he had Champions in his pedigree and when asked to see his pedigree was denied not once but several times. I asked where the pup came from and who was the reputable breeder and was denied over and over again as well. WHY??? This is my right!!!
If I'm going to buy this pup for $1299.00, I want to see the paperwork. I wouldn't buy a car without test driving it, seeing the title, or having a carfax report. The blond who was trying to keep her cool with me went in the back to get me some of the information I was persistently requesting to only come back with vet records and to say she learned the pup had no AKC papers, only ACA and no Champions but still failed to tell me this reputable breeder. OH WAIT..that's right, pet stores feel USDA approved kennels are reputable. We all know whats been found in some of these USDA approved kennels. If not, open your eyes and google for some links on these so called reputable approved USDA kennels. You be the judge.
She then tried to sell the pup by saying they guarantee the pup against diseases for 3 yrs. They will pay all vet bills. Such a guarantee when they know nothing on the pedigree and no testing on parents but for $1299.00, I guess they could afford some vet bills. The question is, what hoops do you need to jump through for them to approve the diagnosis and receive payment? Puppies have died just days after going to their forever homes to have the pet store turn their backs. Not a guarantee I'd trust. Needless to say, with them hiding information that I am rightfully to know and misleading some of the information, they are hiding something and this pup is not worth no where near $1299.00.
This is where you as the buyer need to learn more about the breed you are purchasing and be patient to wait for the right pet puppy from someone who has the sire and dam and can easily be reached for the life of that pup to answer your questions and guide you when something is troubling you or the pup. Talk to other breeders and compile the information but don't buy pet store dogs. Your only helping the problem to persist in the long run. Your not saving all the other pups who will follow because you felt you needed to save this one.