Hi all!

Good news! Back by popular demand, Calendar second run is on! Order Now.

Thanks all the members for their support!


Silvia & Sam

Views: 1032

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Great calendar but no Daisy... boo hoo...
Daisy may December last year
How did you get voted onto the calendar anyway?
Sorry you missed this year's submission, we select the top 25-50 photos as finalists. We'll then open up to all the members to vote their favorite ones, the top 12-13 photo with the most votes ends up on the calendar.
I was trying to buy 5 copies with payPal. But they said - only 1 in stock. Is that true? I bought that one, but I still want 4 more! :)
Sorry Alla, you bought our last copy today :) If you still want 4, drop us a note so that we can see if a second run is possible.
I also want a calendar, but I live in Toronto Canada. How can I get one and how much are they?
Karen Crich
Hi Karen, of course we'll look out for our fellow Canadian :) Drop us a note and we'll put you on the second run list.
I do definitely but was waiting til after the New Year to order mine...I posted this information all over on other Corgi networks along w/my web log hoping to bring in alot of revenue for the Corgi Rescue.
How many did you have in mind, let us know so we can estimate :)
Yes! I want one.
I want one, please consider a second run.


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