I just bought my first DSLR, a Cannon Rebel XS. I have no idea how to use a DSLR so look forward to learning how to use it! Any advice on good books or things I need to know to take good shots of my pup? I've attached my very first picture of Franklin with my new camera! I'm so excited to start snapping pictures!


Tiny (my cat) got bored after just a few shots

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Thank you! I got it on ebay actually. Got an AMAZING deal on it and am loving it so far. Money well spent for sure! Still need to buy a manual or something to figure out how it works. I am basically only using two settings so far and trying to get comfortable with those two before moving on to more advanced stuff. 

Before you go out and spent money on a manual, Google the camera by name and model number and you can see the manual one line and print that


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