I was reading the articles on msnbc and saw this:
"Among the stolen breeds tracked by the AKC in 2008 are Yorkshire terriers, poodles, Pomeranians, shih tzu, bulldogs, corgis, a Norwich terrier and a mastiff."

There's not a lot of corgis in Vancouver so I think common thieves don't know how much they're worth. But there are people who know and really like them and those are the ones that worries me. There were also occasions when some people forcefully took dogs from their owners because they said the dogs were "abused". It's never clear whether it was a true accusation or just a lie to steal the dogs.

What do you do to protect your dogs against thefts? Any more ideas besides the regular microchipping/ tattooing your dogs?

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Get to know your neighbors, they are your best bet in keeping an eye out when you're away. Never leave your dogs alone in the yard, always keep an eye out.
I think corgis are getting more popular now. You see more of them on TV ads, dog food/treats packagings, and even at Target in toy sections (pictures of them on toy bins)! This year, I actually saw calendars with just "Corgi Puppies"! I've only seen those with more of popular breeds, but I guess it means corgis have joined that category.

There are at least 2 corgis living on my street, and 2 more corgi mixes around my neigborhood. I think more and more people are starting to know the name "Corgi". I'm happy that more people are aware of how cute & smart corgis are, but it also means that the demand can get high... leading to more theft. Just be careful, everyone!
I am guessing that most of you are from America or Canada, as here in the UK the corgi is not as popular as there. I think it is because they dont have a very good reputation, most people think they are snappy, yappy ankle biters ( I think this is due to the Queen's collection, who roam free with little or no human socialising). From what I have seen, they are very popular with our cousins across the pond, and I have to say as much as I love my little chaps, I would love to know what makes them so popular there?


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