Somehow Yogi got a small bruise under his chin. At first I thought it was a strange skin virus..dunno why I thought so. He could have scratched himself or got it while at daycamp. It seemed like it was just heal like any other cut. I cleaned it frequently and made sure it was never got infected or spread. Well it never spread but it never really healed. I figured out that he was the picking the scab each time it started to heal. Its been over a month now and while there's no infection I'm just sick of knowing that he keeps scratching the scab and who knows what can happen. His fur is starting to grow back in that spot so I'm assuming its really itchy. Yogi loves a good scratch too !!
I'm thinking this is a non vet issue since it is a minor cut with no sign of infection. Any product suggestions...
I'm leaning towards getting on of those annoying cones that he rammed into our ankles again and again...after his neuter. We hated that thing so much we got rid of it right after.. :( I may need to get it again !!!??

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Does he scratch other areas on himself? Could this be a localized dermititis? Its hard to say since we can't see it but for it to be there that long would raise questions and for him to be so actively itching it. As far as the lisbethean collar they have some that are fabric and not so fan like that are really nice. I saw them in a magazine I got. There are several differant ones. Go to and they are called Comfy Zone or E Collar and ProCollar. None of them were over $30.00 and that was for the x large ones.


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