So today was Ziggy's vet trip and when we got to the there, after poking and prodding at him for a while, she decided the best thing for him right now is to be put on prescriptions of 250mg Cephalexin... 5mg Prednisone... and Chlorhexiderm disinf Solution to soak his feet in.

Each of the pills are to be given to him twice daily for the first three days and then after three days the Prednisone will be tapered down to once a day for three days, and then once a day every other day.

She said that everything else about him seemed stable and sound and that the only real issue was his flea allergy was beginning to cause a skin infection...... Let me take this time to note how much I hate flea collars. Completely useless, will never buy another one ever again... I feel so awful for poor Ziggy.

I was wondering if there are any rules about when to give the Prednisone and the Cephalexin... Can they be taken together at the same time? The vet didn't mention anything about that, so I would think it's safe, but would like to double check... I can always call if no one knows.

Anyhow, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery-I'm sure that he will enjoy getting the cheese and peanut butter treats-even if there is a pill in them lol. He doesn't care, just give them noms!!!!!

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I don't know the answer to your question, but Snickers takes her pills by herself, i just throw them in the bowl with the kibble. LOL! Occasionally she would eat around them and I would use pnut butter or the Kong gooey stuff, like cheez whiz. Hope he gets better soon.


D'Arby and I think the Zigster has allergies just like D'Arby does!

We try to ride these seasonal things out by limiting his time on or around grass and, during spring and summer, limiting his outdoor time to early morning and early evening when pollen (or mold?) is lowest...

The medications you list, I believe, are for allergy. They will help for allergies from fleas or outside sources, but NOT for food allergies. Did you change his food recently or open a new bag?

All of the medications you list should be given with food while following dosage directions: no more, no less.

Once our vet thought D'Arby needed metrazinole. He was DEALTHLY allergic to it as it turned out, but I recognized the symptoms before giving him an additional dose over what he received at our vet's office. Just be sure you review the drug information you received so you can identify allergy symptoms to them. I doubt Ziggy will have any, though.

ITCHY ITCHY LICKY ZIGGY....we wish you only the best....And KNOW that this too shall pass...

P.S. Flea collars suck and so do the flea/tick treatments. We wonder what discomforts these cause so limit their uses to the seasons applicable. I am not too worried about this decision. Our last corgi Raider lived until age 16. What a wonderful  base line and we still miss him so! FYI prime flea season is like NOW in NH....BE SAFE BE WELL....


Hi Kim,

Yes, you can take Cephalexin and Prednisone with food. Make sure Ziggy have access to plenty of water, because part of the side effect is drinking lots of water / peeing a lot. As far as fleas concern, search for previous discussion where I explained how to treat the house, yard and dog, it will not work unless you treat all at once. Good luck!


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