Hello everyone! I want to know how long you had your dog on a crate while away to work, etc. per day? and also, when they grow older, do you still leave them on a crate? Thanks!

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Atlas is a year old and we still crate him during the day, he gets into trouble quite frequently and can't be trusted alone.
I'm not in any rush to leave him alone. He doesn't mind his crate, and if gives us piece of mind knowing he isn't getting into anything. When he gets tired at my house he often times will go into his crate and sleep in there on his own accord.
6 years ago when ours were once pups, both Silvia and I worked 9-5, so we had to crate them 8-10 hours a day :(

Now that they are 6 and more "mature", we leave them in our master bathroom / bedroom, Vienna is very trust worthy and will do just fine by herself with free roam of the house, but Mocha? ....."ahem"....
We crated Dee Dee until she was a bit over 1 yr old. Just like Sam & Silvia, my husband & I worked 8 hrs, so she was in crate for about 9 hours a day. :(( She slept most of the time (...I think...) We slowly let her out into just bedroom, then added livingroom, then added kitchen to be completely free to roam around the apartment. She has been free to roam around since she was about 1 1/2 old. She has had a few accidents since then, but never had gone through trash or snuck the snacks while we were out! I think timing will all depends on each dog... :)
We've never really crated Seamus throughout a work day. It seemed like an excessive amount of time for a young dog to be cooped up even with exercise later. We keep him pinned in the kitchen during the day while Im at work so he has some room to stretch and crate the little monster at night for bed.
Until Ginny was about 7 months old, I took her to one of my parents' houses every day. She was very lucky! We transitioned to keeping her at my house in her crate, and she would still go to either one of my parents houses or daycare about 2 days a week. Then she started staying home in the crate all week. Sometimes I would try to come home at lunch and let her out for a while, but I couldn't do that every day. She stays home about 9-10 hours a day. At about 13 months, I tried to let her stay out in the house. She's been mostly reliable. I just keep the doors to the bedrooms shut and try to make sure everything else is picked up. She has gotten into a few things and chewed them up... knitting needles, pillows, a cookbook... nothing big, but I need to make sure she can't get to anything too easily. She has never had an "accident" in the house during the day yet.
We ALWAYS crated the dogs when not home. After a recent local burglary, we've left the crates open because they don't bark at visitors/intruders when crated. We've had no problems. Al was 2, Gwynnie 5+. Corgi-proof your house first! NO accessible food or garbage, snack bags to asphyxiate in, buckets to drown in.
We came home once to find our first corgi with a potato chip bag (from the garbage can) stuck over her head; fortunately she could still breathe. Cut the bottom off plastic food bags.
I like them able to roam around the house.
We still crate Grover during the day. Just in the last 3 months or so we stopped crating him at night. He's a perfect angel at night. He sleeps with us usually, but once he does fall asleep (no matter where) he doesn't move until around 7am.
During the day, I just don't think I can trust him. He still has a tendency to get into things and chase the cats a little too much. Eventually I think we'll get there. He just turned a year old earlier this month, so we'll see in a few months if he can handle just being let loose in a smallish room to begin with.
Fortunately I'm only gone to work from around 8am-3:30 or so most days, cause I work from home in the afternoons.
We still use our crates, and Soffie is 3 and Griffyn is 2. We crate them when we eat dinner---the moment they know I am cooking they both head to their crates. We crate them when we have large amounts of company over or if an elderly person is visiting due to jumping. We play Wii with family and friends and sometimes they get crated when that is going on. We have graduated to leaving Soffie out when we are gone, and we are learning now to trust Griffyn more too. Griffyn seems to like to sleep in his crate---we leave the gate unlocked, and he seems to like the comfort of his crate. We were crating them in the car on trips, but we have switched to a harness and seatbelt set-up and it works great! We always carry the crates with us on vacation for those moments we are at someone's house and they aren't too keen on our dogs roaming free....
Like most here, my boyfriend and I both work, so we had to crate Dax all day until just recently. We started by leaving him out when we would go out for just small amounts of time to run errands and things like that, then we gradually started leaving him out alone for longer and longer periods of time. Dax is now almost 11 months old, and just recently (about 2 weeks ago) we started leaving him out when we go to work, and he's doing great! He's never had any accidents while we aren't there. Of course we don't leave without (what I call) "puppy proofing" the house. Heh. We've forgotten some mail on the couch a couple times and when we got home it was shredded. He's not allowed in any of our bedrooms, so he pretty much has the living room, kitchen, dining room, and hallways, which is plenty for him. We still crate him at night -- we tried leaving him out a couple days ago (right outside of our bedroom, we left the door open), and after 20 minutes of him crying I went to check on him and he had peed and pooped aaaaallllll over my living room and kitchen. So back in the crate he went until I'm brave enough to try that again. Just try leaving your pup out for short periods of time and see how she does, then gradually extend the amount of time, she'll eventually get used to it.
Our Cardi is almost 5 months old. He always sleeps in his crate at night and he does great. He doesn't make a sound until my fiance or I get up in the morning and he has never had an accident in his crate. While we are at work is another story. We have a small play pen set up in the kitchen for him to be in during the day. We put paper down and leave him toy and water. We both work full time, but I come home on my lunch break every day to take him out. I had ready that if you have to be gone for more than 4 hours at a time you should not leave your dog in a crate but use a pen instead, but after hearing how many people crate their dog for 8-10 hours, I'm wondering if we should give it a try. He's so good in his crate, but in his pen he will usually pee and I can tell that he jumps a lot because when I come home the pen has moved across the kitchen. I will leave him in the kitchen with a baby gate when he gets older but right now I would worry about him chewing the edges of the cabinets and since we're in an apartment, I can't let than happen. I'm curious, when you leave your pups in the crate for a full work day, do they have accidents in there? Do you leave them food or water?
After we adopted our second dog, the rescue organization gave us this huge booklet of information about training your new puppy etc.
They emphasized crating during the day, as it appeals to your dog's natural instincts to want a safe secure place to sleep when they aren't being active. Don't feel bad about leaving your pup alone for 8+ hours a day, just make sure you give him plenty of excercise when you are home.
I built a small pen for Gus that I keep him in when I'm not home. Gus is only 3 months old and I'm gone to work a good nine hours so I didn't want to leave him in his crate all day. A puppy his age can't hold it that long.

I used a 4x8 sheet of plywood that I covered with vinyl tile squares for the floor. The vinyl tiles make clean up easier. To keep him in I surrounded the floor with two PetSmart dog pens linked together. The pen has room for his crate, water bowl, a pee pad and a little extra play area left over.

I'll have had Gus a month tomorrow and so far the pen is working out pretty well.

The only problem that I've had is that he would get bored while I was at work and tear up his pee pad. I solved that problem by getting a pee pad tray, again at PetSmart (they've been getting a lot of business from me lately). The tray is just a big plastic frame that holds the pad in place and is too big for him to drag around.


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