I don't know how many of you follow CorgiPals so I just wanted to put the link here. They currently have 6 corgis they are trying to raise funds for. Many of the campaigns are extremely high dollar so I'm sure every little bit counts. I know its probably not nice to say (or not fair) but its a bit disheartening that $1300 went to vet bills for a condition that is TOTALLY preventable by just routine care (i.e. SPAY YOUR FEMALES!). I guess its another good plug for why you need to spay females. Pyometras happen ALL THE TIME and a spayed female will NEVER have this problem. Here's the link to all the campaigns:



They are also doing an auction to help raise funds so if anybody has any corgi items they'd like to donate (or wants to bid in an item) you can find a link to the auction e-mail page to offer donations. I'm so glad I just started a new job can start paying it forward to all the people who helped out Franklin with his broken tooth. Spread the word!

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I love the CorgiPals site.  I donated to the pooches and will be offering a couple things for auction, too.  Paige, who runs the site, is awesome and has helped out alot of lowriders!

yeah she is totally amazing. Wish there was a way to help them all. Hopefully with some of the new campaigns like the braceletts, auction, coins for corgis, etc enough will be raised to cover everybodies bills. Since its so popular now Paige may have to do like CorgiAid does and start only covering half of everybodies bill. This economy sucks for poor pooches. So glad the corgi community has help like this.

I am always so lifed up by the generosity of the corgi community. I was just in the shower thinking about how I plan on chipping in for the fundraisers. Too much info? Sorry.

LOLOL...you made me chuckle.  The shower's a great place for thinkin'.


If the pyometra issue is the one I think it is then that person is a friend of mine, she is heartbroken and devastated about it. There is nothing she would like more than  to go back in time and make the right decision. I just wanted to let everyone that so graciously gives of their time and money (especially funds at this point) that we all let some things slip through and she is now educated and is committed to educating others now. I don't think this was gross neglect, just a lady that made the wrong choice a long time ago and has had a difficult life.

Please spay or neuter your pets, and Lando Oliver and Bootsie and all his brethren thank you from the bottom of our heart for donating to corgipals.com.

I totally agree and this isn't anything negative toward the owners. I think its a lack of education, people just don't know how devestating a pyometra is or how common. They hear about it from their vet and think "oh that won't happen to me" without realizing odds are it will. I did see that she is also starting the coins for corgis campaign which is awesome. I just think it is worth noting that this expense was TOTALLY preventable so people who have decided not to spay their females for one reason or another really need to open their eyes and see THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME, and honestly an $1300 bill is getting off easy in my area (not that she did get off easy but people with unspayed females need to realize that the bills are THOUSANDS of dollars to save their pet). I can't even count how many dogs I have seen put down or surrendered because the owners couldn't afford the surgery and it is just devestating to have to euthanize a completely healthy animal because of a condition that could have easily been prevented with a simple routine surgery.  

thanks for the heads-up. I love the fact that Paige checks the people and pets out to make sure everything is legit. Occasionally a plea will come up on CorgiAddict and I think- but what if you don't get enough, what will you do? I don't feel comfortable giving in those situations. It is so hard to decide which corgi to donate to, I think I will just make an annual contribution to the fund. The fundraisers are fun, too. Did you see those felted corgis??? I couldn't figure out how to order the $15 generic ones, though. Having a custom pocket corgi would be really cool, but the $25 would help a sick corgi, what to do?

Yeah all the little fundraisers are very cute. I prefer to just donate the money directly though so each corgi ends up with a little more. Unless it is for something I just MUST HAVE and the fact that a portion of the proceeds goes to corgipals is just icing on the cake lol.

Those felties are just adorable!  I'm going to get several...I can't resist!  It's nice to have so many options...donate outright, fundraiser, auction...  Some folks like to get something in return, sometimes, I'm thinkin'.  I think, too, that something like the auctions and the felties draws in other folks who may not know of CorgiPals.  Anything to spread the word!


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