I have used the same vet for 25 years and now Oscar is 10 we go 2 times a year now instead of the normal once! other than emergencies . I can't believe people who have animals who don't take their pets to the vet that is just crazy! if you say it is financial you shouldn't have animals in the first place!. We are responsible for this life for the moment we pick it up till it takes it's last breath!. In Australia there is a lot of families who won't vaccinate their children and most are from the wealthy suburbs in Sydney! I hope they also don't do it to their pets!. I would be mortgage free if I added up what I have spent at the vets over the last 30 years! I know I have more than likely paid off my vets mortgage!. It's all worth it when I come home from a stressful day at the office and Oscar & Sam are at the top of the stairs butts and tails wagging the cost of keeping them pales in comparison to the love they give us on a daily basis unconditionally!!.
Oscar & Sam's Dad Brian
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