Does your  your corgi eat fruit? My Goldie LOVES FRUIT! Im kinda freaked out. Her favorite fruit is watermelon. She hasnt suffered diarrhea or any sickness so its ok. I really like when shes finished because she has red on her lips. We dont feed her the whole thing we giver her leftovers with some red. We dont give her whites.

ANYWAY! Does your Corgi eat watermelon or something weird?! PLEASE SHARE ( will add a pic of her eating soon =])

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I just tried that for Frosty today! Mixed bananas and peanut butter in his kong and froze it overnight so he could have it while I am at work today. Hope he likes it!!
We haven't found anything yet that Frosty won't eat. Just discovered the other night that he really likes apple peels and raw potatoes. I actually just posted a discussion almost like yours a couple days ago to see what crazy things people's corgis eat. If you want to check out the replies I got, the discussion is called "Is your corgi a goat in disguise??"
Can dogs have apple peels, I thought I read somewhere that they could have the apple but not the peel? I wish I could remember where I read that.
The responses that I have got said they can't have apple cores, because there is something toxic in the seeds, but peels are ok
I have a picture on my page of Teddy sitting on a watermelon in the car last summer. It looks like he is trying to hatch it. He loves fruit: apples, pears, asian pears, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries. He's not too big on carrots but loves green beans. He will eat just about anything. Including dirt and cat poop.
Rosie and Rocky will eat most anything. They love fruits and veggies. Rosie will actually pick her own green beans and peas in the garden!!! They love frozen green beans also. When we are cleaning the beans and peas from the garden, they sit and wait for pieces of them and the pea pods and are at our feet if we are chopping stuff for salads. We are careful not to overdo it so their poops don't get runny. When I go to GA in the winter, I keep baby carrots in the cooler with my pop. After a pit stop, they get put back in their seat belts and harnesses in the back seat and poke their heads between the front seats to wait for their carrots they know will be coming when I get a pop from the cooler.
Roslyn loves all sorts of veggies and fruits. they are a very high reward treat for her now. i have to remember and check to make sure if i give her anything new, seeing as there are some weird things that are poison to dogs. Grapes are bad!
Blaze also loves watermelon!!

We were tempura battering/deep frying some vegetables and jalapeno rings one night, and Ein just about tackled me to get at them. He eats every other fruit and vegetable, so I don't know why we were surprised about the jalapenos. If I get out the jar of jalapeno rings I'll let him have one or two pieces tops, and outside of being a little gassier than usual they don't seem to phase him much.
Yeah Goldie gets a bit Gassy =]
My Penny LOVES fruits and and veggies. Her favorites are pineapple and carrots. I have a video of her eating corn on the cute!
Both of ours love fruits and some veggies. I have to be very vigilant when picking my raspberries as Brodie will sneak up behind me and snitch them from the bowl. I tried keeping it between my feet and he'd still get some. So now he knows if he lays back in the grass, I'll toss him the overrips ones.


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