Hi there!


I thought I'd start a thread where we can post our Tumblr id's, so we can make sure we're following each other for more Corgi goodness!


I'll start - on Tumblr I'm fuckyeahcorgi. I mostly reblog other pics and add my own captions, but every once in a while both Biscuit and Bentley manage to sneak their way into a post :D I'm a very proud corgi human!

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i vote that you have a tumblr for your other pictures. that way, it'll show up on all our dashboards to see ASAP! =)
I have a name set up for tumblr (that's not hellocorgi). If I actually get tumblin', I'll update with it. :)

It is done. My obsession is now totally scary! Here's Chewie's tumblr. :D



I just realized that Yoshi reminds me of a circus act with his death defying leap from the bed and his attempt to free himself from the evil sweater. LOL
hahah. Nice. Stay tuned for more death-defying stunts from The Great Yoshini!

I'm so glad you joined in, I don't know how I missed your Yoshi blog (even tho I know I've seen/queued your submissions!!)


I'm off on a yoshi reblog, he's so lovely!

did this tumblr close? :(

Thank you! And wonderful suggestion btw ;)
ballon & rock , which despite my initial goal of using tumblr as a journal, has pretty much become Grissom's photo album :)  I do throw pictures of my kitty and other things on there once in a while but Gris is usually the funniest/cutest/silliest thing in site so that's what is featured most often.
Cameras love corgis, I'm not surprised Grissom is taking over your tumblr feed!


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