Hi I will be relocating to Phoenix soon... and I was wondering if anybody could recommend  or knows of

a good puppy class for me and my little one? 

Thanks in advance!

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Hi!   And welcome to Phoenix.   Gracie and I went to Petsmart for training when she was 13 weeks.   We enjoyed it and she learned a few things.  It was funny watching her fall asleep in class after a half hour or so.  Such a Corgi!  I'm sure there are better classes out there, but for the basics it worked for us. 

Curious what did Gracie learn in the class? and how long was it? 

This is my first time using a class teaching method...

If I recall, it was 6 weeks and she learned to socialize with other dogs, sit, down, come when called (that was really fun.  they put the dogs on one side of the store, owners on the other and you take turns calling, hollering, getting your dog to come running to you!  Gracie was a champ!), walking on a leash, leave it, drop it, the basics.  The instructor brought her Corgi with her to class.  I'd seen her before I got my puppy.  Probably part of the reason I got a Corgi, hers was so good.  :)   How old is your puppy?  If you sign up, Gracie and I will come cheer you on! 

Wow this is some useful information! Thank you!

Ummm I'm actually picking Brody up this coming Saturday! He is currently in his 8 week mark.. And since we are moving to in about 2 weeks... I think we will be able to start some sort of "class" once he has had all his important shots tone.. so I'm thinking my husband and I will be able to start him once we know he's good to go with his shots...

But again! Thank you for the info and support! :P 

You're welcome!  Of course you have to reinforce the training.  4 1/2 years later, when I yell 'come', Gracie might look in my direction, but generally keeps her head down sniffing whatever grass, bird poop, or stick that is of interest to her.  Spoiled ROTTEN!!  :o)

Well for starters i'm taking my pup to a Petsmart in Scottsdale where I have a friend who is a groomer there who recommended a friend of hers there who is a trainer. I'll let you know how it goes i'm enrolling him in about a week.

Thanks Alexa! I look forward to knowing how it goes! :)

Hi, and welcome to the Phoenix area.  Sure hope that you will love it, and enjoy it.  I took my Toby to a PetSmart class a bit over 6 years ago at their store on Bell rd at 73 Ave (it's on the northwest side of the greater Phoenix area) in Glendale.  The instructor was fantastic, and when Toby and I visit the store, and Sharon is there, she still calls Toby by name, and takes a couple minutes to say hi.  Sharon is a fantastic trainer - and gives it 'her all' in the 8 week class.  She also does advanced classes if one wants to go further.  Highly recomended by Toby and I.


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