Hi!!!! Bailey turns 6months the end of July and its time for the big snip.. but I wanted to shop around. I called the San Francisco SPCA this morning and found out that they will charge $240 for his neuter surgery if I had it there, and its a clinic! So.. I called the Martinez Shelter and they have neuter surgery for $65! I've heard great things about the Martinez Shelter, and you don't have to be a resident of Contra Costa County to use their services (unlike the SF SPCA where you have to be a SF resident)... sooo... where did you guys get your furball spayed/neutered and how much? And would you recommend the clinic/hospital?

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Just called the Pennisula Humane Society, and they have it for $65 as well for males under 40lbs. I think well go here.. lol well im going to leave this discussion here for future corgi owners. =)

Please message me if you have had a horrible experience here so that I may cancel my appointment. =)
Nice post!! I've been looking for a place for Range too!! Banfield quoted me the same around $200+. I'll definitely go to the Peninsula Humane Society!!
It's $80 now (males under 40lbs)! they're raising their prices effective July 1st. I just called yesterday and the earlierst appointment was August 15th!!! So we took that date, so call ahead of time, like now! =)
Hi Karen,
I've had cats and dogs neutered and spayed at clinics and hospitals.
Make sure they use pain killers afterwards, even for a male. Something to ease the discomfort at least for a bit.
Some clinics don't use hardly anything to help with the pain, very traumatizing.

I personally prefer to do as thorough a check on the clinic or hospital as possible to make sure they are kind, attentive etc. For females, I ask to make sure the surgery leaves as little scarring as possible.
As people you know, and talk with the clinic and hospital until you feel comfortable with your choice.

Good luck,
Ok I'll make sure Bailey gets pain killers. I should make a visit out there sometime this month just to check the place out beforehand. Thanks for the suggestion. I looked up to see if there were any reviews on Yelp!, etc, but its almost all positive, so im comfortable from that standpoint, but yes, nothing can replace an on-site visit.

City of Palo Alto has a low cost clinic. Dogs under 30 lbs are $70.

I took both my corgis to the PHS for spaying and neutering. Both surgeries went fine and they were happy as can be after recuperating. When I went to pick them up, I was actually told the surgeries are done by early morning but they like to keep an eye on them throughout the day to make sure everything is ok. I didn't need pain killers for my dogs, but it really depends on the dog.
oo i should've updated yall! Bailey was neutered 3 weeks ago @ PHS, and he did GREAT and needed NO pain killers. Of course, I was looking for signs of pain (so i could go get him pain meds if he needed it), but he didint. just groggy overall, slept it off, and was absoultely back to normal the next day!

yepp the staff was great, the gal who gave him the sedative/pain shot before we left him was a corgi-lover! =D so i felt even better. pick up and drop off were great, they let you take the dog to the back and into a cage. Bailey was put on a higher cage so the gal could give him "extra kisses". haha =P overall, we felt the experience was great there. Only thing is we did get a little lost driving down from San Francisco.... road construction was going on and my GPS was going alittle nuts....


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