Gemma, her mother Summer, and her half-brother Samwise are all naughty, silly corgis! My quasisister who has Summer and Sam has had all sorts of issues with them going walkabout (rather, runabout) instead of staying in their yard; Gemma's found ways to wiggle under my fence, even losing her harness to do so, and goes off to find cats and garbage, and won't come when she's called at all (gives me heart attacks, I swear).

Gemma's and Sam's tri sister and blue brother would never think of doing this!

Diane and I say it's a Brindle Thing - what do you say?

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Yes, my Fiona gets into trouble. I punish her and she acts sorry with tail down when I talk but as soon as I stop she starts to wag her tail and act like nothing happen. So as I am not looking she goes right back to doing what I told her not to, just to test me and she will look up at me when caught red handed like "what? I am not doing exactly like I was before" wagging her tail. Every thing she does she she is so happy and laughs at you.
Gemma does that - she's very happy about what she's doing, even as I'm standing there yelling at her. *grin*
I am happy to report that my brindle is so obedient that it is actually a bit embarrassing sometimes. She never goes walkabout and even when we're in the park and she's off-leash, she'll come back to me when I call her. It might be reluctantly but she does it. At the very least she'll stop dead in her tracks and give it a few seconds' thought before she'll come back to me. She's only had very rudimentary basic obedience training so maybe that is what is paying off? She won't even leave the property if I leave the gate open for a few minutes. Not to say she won't be able to resist temptation if the gate is left open the entire day but I don't exactly want to test her obedience to that degree! She's very much a people-pleaser and she doesn't like being in trouble so except for the occasional mishap when she was younger, she doesn't even chew on things that she's not supposed to.

So I don't know if your dogs' behaviour as just specific to them and their bloodline but I don't think it is a brindle thing. Unless I just happen to have the most boring Corgi in the world but if that's the case, then I'm not complaining!
Liezl, we need you and her to come over and give ours a proper example! (Medeni was good off-lead like that.)
Holly is very much a 'goodie four paws' like Liezl's girl. She doesn't go walkabout, always preferring her own territory & our company. One time when the gate was left open & no-one was home, she went next door to visit the elderly neighbour. He walked her back. She loves to make new friends & will need a firm call from me to return if she tries to run up to anyone when off leash. I can say no shoes/slippers were chewed up & the garden bed was safe ( couldn't say that for the previous- retriever, terrier, or our German shepherd). She doesn't like to be in trouble either, except that she loves the kitty food. She will try to sneak it very quietly on the odd occasion . The last time she cracked she came running to me as she was having difficulty breathing. She was trying to snort & was making awful noises. It turned out that two little cat biscuits were lodged in both nostrils blocking her airway. I am glad to report she is fine, got them out. I prefer to keep her out of harms way now by putting them up. Although she rarely did this I don't want this to happen when I'm not around to help her dislodge them.


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