I thought I'd start a discussion to get to know everyone's taste a little better. What genre do you read most? Do you have a favorite topic (ie love, vampires, pirates, fairies etc)? Please share a little about yourself. :)

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Thanks, I can't wait until tonight!
Hi!! What a cool book club idea. I am a middle school librarian/band teacher (weird combo, I know) I have two corgis and want a third!! Right now I am trying to keep up with young adult literature, but I love everything. My favorites are usually Sci Fi and Fantasy. This moment I am reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson about a young girl dealing with a horrible ordeal. If you like the Twilight Series you MUSTn read City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Same kind of cool atmosphere, but better written. I loved Pride and Prejudice with Zombies!!! Sent it out as a Christmas present last year to all of my friends.
Librarian/band teacher sounds like an awesome combo. I'd love to be a school librarian!

My sister in law read City of Bones and said it was very good. I do plan on reading it one of these days.
I am just now reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! I am taking an English Lit class and we are having to write a paper of a Jane Austen book of our choosing. Well, Jane Austen is accredited in the book and the teacher didn't say no!


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