Does your dog hunt? Does he dig? What dog doesn’t?
They all do. Is the woods around your house and kennels
damp or is there a pond or stream or any source of
moisture? Well, good grief, what woods isn’t? Are you
going to let your dog do what comes naturally for dogs to
do? Dig, that is. And why not, you may ask?
Well, here is a why not! BLASTOMYCOSIS!! And
just what is that that would kill a dog just for doing
what comes naturally. Blastomycosis is a fungal disease
caused by Blastomyces dermatides. “It occurs mostly in
dogs and humans, but has been diagnosed in horses, cats,
and even sea lions”, said Dr. Ronald D Smith, professor
specializing in epidemiology of infectious diseases at the
University of Illinois college of Veterinary Medicine.
to read the full article go to the link below...

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There are many diseases dogs can contract from being outside in the woods and such. There are tick-born diseases (that humans can contract as well), leptospirosis (many different strains) humans can catch from infected dogs urine, pythium is something you are more likely to see in the south, but it is a nasty fungus-like infection. There is a vaccine for the more common strains of lepto. This is just to name a few. There are pets that contract blasto that aren't hunting, outdoors all the time dogs. Just like people get sick, dogs get sick too. Routine check-ups with your veterinarian are great ways to screen for potential underlying disease that your pet's good nature may be hiding from you. If you suspect your pet is sick, don't wait until they are completely debilitated and practically dying to bring them in. Blastomycosis is nasty, but in the less severe cases treatable with a long course of medication. Like with any illness, if it's progressed to the point where your pet is practically dying, there are more limited treatment options. Some pets may recover greatly, but ever case is different. All you can do is care for your little one the best that you know how.


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