Do you do anything special to get your pup to look at the camera? Do you call their name or tempt them with treats, or did you train them special?

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great picture !!!
I've used treats to get my corgi to look at the camera then i take his picture. Sometimes it works for me and other times I get some interesting shots that are blurry BUT I think they look pretty neat. :)
Yea, I get lots of pictures of just the tip of the nose that way. :P
I let Cooper play and run for awhile before i even atempt to photograph him,,,,~tina~

Ziggy hates me take lots of pictures of him, but he always looks cute in his pictures!
I taught Favorite two key commands so i can shoot all kinds of crazy pics with her. Hold it ( keep whatever it is on her nose) and Keep it ( hold whatever in her mouth til i say drop it) This makes for some interesting pictures. She is real funny though cause she knows when the camera comes out that its all about her so he totally hams it up for me i love it!

I just let cooper play for a while then start shooting,,sometimes their 100's of photos to look through but i seem to get a few great shots ,,good luck `tina~ and Cooper

another of Cooper :o)
Ace is a Camera ham most i have to do is pull out the camera LOL

I try and get him in the middle of playing, when he's most riled up! Then I hold a ball or toy above the camera and take a quick shot. That's how I got my profile picture. =) You get the absolute best expressions that way!

My recommendation -- if you have a DSLR camera, use a telephoto lens.  Often times, the better pictures I get of Bentley were shot with a Canon 70-200mm.  I find that the more distance you put between you and your dog, the more likely he/she will be willing to relax and smile.. instead of being tempted to walk-up toward you or become frightened by a camera covering your face.  I also keep treats handy, so when I get good shots I reward him with a treat and that shows him that he did something good.  And in a situation like that, he'll remember to do something similar next time.


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