Hi there!


I thought I'd start a thread where we can post our Tumblr id's, so we can make sure we're following each other for more Corgi goodness!


I'll start - on Tumblr I'm fuckyeahcorgi. I mostly reblog other pics and add my own captions, but every once in a while both Biscuit and Bentley manage to sneak their way into a post :D I'm a very proud corgi human!

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Yay! Mine's Ein's Antics. It's not witty like fuckyeahcorgi, but Ein is silly and funny enough for the both of us. I mostly post pics. I need to start taking/uploading more videos though. Great idea for a group.



Ein is lovely!! And yes, you should be posting more pics!


I loved the lightbox story that you shared recently on Tumblr! We did a similar thing for the garden shed with Biscuit - took her in there and made her sit and wait while we worked in there... now she thinks it's the most boring place in the world where all she is allowed to do is sit :D works like a charm!

Haha, yeah that was really funny. I was able to photograph her in there when she was itty bitty, but not now. She was having none of that.


Ohmygosh that's adorable!

that is SO CUTE!

Moar corgis the better. I already check in on both your tumblrs!


I have a tumblr for silly corgi art. http://hellocorgi.tumblr.com

And I'm deciding whether I should have a tumblr or flickr for all the other pics that I don't blog.


Ein is like a tiny little doll there! Rock on, you tumblcorgis.

Thanks, I do love the pictures I got of her while she was so tiny. She certainly didn't act like a little doll, more like a little monster. LOL

Thanks for the link, LOVE the portal corgi! Have sent it to my husband, he's a corgi lover AND a gamer and we spent ages on Portal.

Can't wait to see more corgi art!

Lol, thanks! Don't you wish we could unlock some sort of corgi costume in the game???

Genius! Let's hope Portal 2 includes the mod!!
Somehow I knew the voice behind Chewie Chat was tied to the freaking amazing corgi drawings of Hello Corgi! I LOVE your drawings!!
Thank you! I think I have way too much fun creating them!


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