Hi there!


I thought I'd start a thread where we can post our Tumblr id's, so we can make sure we're following each other for more Corgi goodness!


I'll start - on Tumblr I'm fuckyeahcorgi. I mostly reblog other pics and add my own captions, but every once in a while both Biscuit and Bentley manage to sneak their way into a post :D I'm a very proud corgi human!

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You can find my pup Story at http://storythecorgi.tumblr.com/ !

Eevee's tumblr is http://eeveesevolution.tumblr.com/ . I update the tumblr with pictures before they go anywhere else.

You can find Lucy,our 6 month old youngster, Eddie, our soon to be 13 year old "little old man", and Charlie at mom2lucy.tumblr.com. Yes, Charlie is a cat, but he really doesn't know it.
Thought I'd share my tumblr - 8littlelegs.tumblr.com - which features frequent (almost daily) uploads of Einstein and River, my two pems. :)

I'd love it if you want to follow us on our adventures!

hi everyone,

Barkley's tumblr is Barkley Hehe.  He's all I take pictures of!  Well that, and food.



Yay! We finally made one for Dodger. His tumblr is dodgerbyrdworld There's not many posts on there right now, but there'll be some soon! I hope you all enjoy!

Bub and Bailey

I think I followed everyone that I wasn't already following. There are a lot of corgi blogs!

heyyy! I'm new to this group :) and i just wanted to share my tumblr :) I post pictures of my lovely Milli, but dont have many yet. i also reblog corgi-related posts AND non-corgi-related posts (mostly pictures of sweets... haha) please follow/like... or just visit! ❤ http://millithecorgi.tumblr.com/

Hi there! We've started up a Tumblr for Java who just turned 3 months old: http://javathecorgi.tumblr.com/

Would love to see some other corgis as well!


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