Hi Everyone!


I was wondering if anyone was interested in planning or wanted to throw ideas out for this years corgi picnic.  It's been awhile since Carter has seen anyone of you guys and I know he misses his corgi buddies =D


~~Please send some love to Christina.  She planned last years picnic and is unable to continue to plan due to health issues.~~


Here are some of the ideas that have been thrown out there

- Freeport (Freeport Doggie Website) is where we had it last year.  We could do the same thing last time and do like a potluck type thing.  I don't know if Mike & Lisa wanted to plan it again.


Wasn't sure if you guys wanted to go to the same place.  I found a dog park in Hoffman Estates (Bo's Dog Park).  I've never been there but the park looks nice.  I'm not sure if they have day passes though and if they would let us have the picnic there.


Just trying to throw ideas out there. Let me know what you guys think or if you want to plan it =D


Hope to see everyone and their corgi's soon!

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mia and herky are from cupids kiss kennels in griswold, ia.

I am always looking for a relative. 

Who were their daddies?  I know that about a year or so ago there was a litter that my Corgis grandfather sired.  His name is Ch Elfwish Sweet Talkin' Guy.  His home is in Swisher, Iowa with Wyndtree.

Anyway, they are kissin' cousins because they are Corgis from Iowa.

mia and herky are from the same litter.  mom: Muffin IX, dad: Ted E Bear XI
Question:  Wasn't there a Corgi meet up in Iowa on July 23rd?  I thought I saw that on the web site.  Did it get canceled?
I attended on the 23rd.  there were only a couple other corgis (besides the host's). it seemed that they already knew each other and were more into showing. We were more interested in chatting corgi and socializing them.

I am into watching them play and have a good time.

Definitely NOT into showing or breeding.


I have two Pems.  One was being shown before we got him.  I think he spent most of his time in a crate.  He was very quiet and did not know how to play.  He never touched a toy when we first got him.  Eventually he came out of his shell.  If you get to meet him at the picnic, you will see a silly, noisy boy.  He is a real barker when he gets in a group of running dogs.

looks like its going to be on the 11th and I am going to try like heck to attend! it's a 5 hour trip and not sure how the pups will do travelling that long...

Oh, you mean you went to the one that was canceled last year?  OOPS!

That must have been a big let down.


Sorry to here your 5 1/2 year old is ill.  That is so young and it must be serious if you know he will still be ill more than a month from now. 


Perhaps we will see you next year.

Yeah, we did not realize it was cancelled, never checked mycorgi before going. Oh well, at least it was close :) 


Thanks, it is so young.  He has auto immune inflammatory issues and now has been diagnosed with Vasculitis, which affects the blood flow in the veins.


Maybe we will be able to bring Tucker our youngest next year.  We just rescued him 5 months ago (August 6th).

I just did a little reading about Vasculitis.  I can't say I understood it.  There are so many different ways it can affect the body.  Some kinds seem to be more treatable than others.

Anyway, good luck with your little guy.  It makes me think of my last German Shepherd, Garbo  She had epilepsy from the time she was about 2 years old until she died.  Once I got over the initial shock, we dealt with it pretty well and her meds controled her seizures.  She actually had a very happy, long life.  She lived to be 14 years, 7 months, and 10 days old.  (I got her at 2 days old, but that is another story.)  I guess what I am getting to is I was glad that I ended up adopting her because someone else might not have bothered pilling her 3 times a day and dealing with her seizures.  They might have dumped her on someone else or even euthanized her. Your Corgi is lucky that you have him as well.  Someone else might not be as concerned and caring with his condition.  Good luck.


We actually went there not knowing it got cancelled!  Luckily we live really close to her, so it was no big deal.  We got to at least meet Christine. 


I would be interested in a picnic but we wont be able to attend.  Our oldest corgi who is 5 1/2, is sick and on meds, so we need to be home to give him those.  He is no longer able to go to meet ups, Im afraid. :(  So glad we were at least able to go to the one in 2008.  


I think potluck is a good idea.  I also think people supplying their own is a good idea too, that way no one gets stuck with all the work.  Have a great time, looking forward to seeing pictures from the picnic.  Hello and Welcome to Mycorgi, this is a great site.  :)

Christine was planning it last year at her house for the 2010 picnic but financially couldn't do it and then got sick.  Mike and Lisa live in Freeport and put everything together in 2009 for the corgi picnic that we had at the Freeport dog park.  There was also a 2008 get together at some indoor place. (I was unable to attend that one)


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