Just wondering...we were told to exercise him a lot and play with him a lot. We did that for the 1st 3 days after we adopted him and he was literally stumbling when he left his crate. He seemed exhausted. The vet said to stop our hour long walks with him because these dogs aren't built for long distance walking.

I walk him for 10 - 15 minutes in the morning, depending on the heat (neither of us can survive over 74 degrees). Then we have a playtime in the morning and in the afternoon. This varies on his energy level from 5-10 minutes to 30. When he is tired, he just stops playing.

in the evening my husband takes him for a 1/2 hour walk. The rest of the time, he pretty much sleeps, unless it is mealtime, this wakes him up.

Is it normal for a dog to sleep this much?

He seems healthy and is very muscular and got a clean bill of health at the vets.

Thanks for any input.

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If it seems like that is enough exercise for him and he is tired out, that is great. If he has a wait line and can feel the ribs, Butter is in good shape. Dogs are supposed to sleep almost all day. They have nothing else to do except sleep. Chloe probably sleeps most of the day, except for when we are home. So you dont need to worry about sleeping to much, because there is never too much sleeping for dogs. Hope I helped you!
Yes, this helps. I thought it was strange that dogs slept so much. I wish I could get 1/2 the sleep they do. Yes, he does have a waist line and I can feel his ribs and vet says he isn't overweight, I take him in and get him weighed periodically.

Sounds like he's doing fine and getting plenty of exercise for his age. Don't worry about sleeping... They do that whenever they aren't up and busy at something... Our pups are only about 3 and they sleep most of the time, but whenever I stand up to do anything, they jump right up and are under my feet and ready to go... Even our old OC who is 10 and gimpy from arthritis from an old injury is ready to go, but I have to be very careful because she seems to feel that she must keep up with the others and then she is REALLY stiff later.


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