Hi everyone!

Looking at the lack of recent activity from this group, this is a bit a of a shot in the dark but here goes nothing. 

My girlfriend and I are highly interested in getting a Corgi. This is not the first animal we will have ever owned (We have owned multiple cats, rabbits, and small rodents),but this will be the first dog. There's no argument that a dog is a step up in terms of responsibility, so I want to do all the research I can before getting our Corgi in late 2016-early 2017 (she is away for school until late 2016).

Due to the fact this is our first dog, I'd prefer to get the corgi for a breeder. I am aware of the benefits of adopting a rescue dog, but a rescued animal may have psychological issues that may be too much to handle for first-time dog owners. Getting to the the discussion title, has anyone in this group gotten their Corgi from a breeder? If so, who was the provider and would you recommend them to a first-time buyer? From my researches, Mezzoo seems like the closest breeder in the Montreal area, has anyone dealt with them?

Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. It is truly appreciated. 

Have a nice day!


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Welcome Jonathan,

Sorry, I can't recommend a local breeder but I will make inquires with a friend who referred me to the breeder I used for Taffy (unfortunately no longer breeds Corgis)

Taffy is also my first dog, and although I had no experience as a dog owner, I definitely have no regrets about choosing a Corgi.

I've heard of Mezzoo but there are others out there... are u willing to travel?

Judy and Taffy

Hi Judy!

Thanks for the quick response. Any information on breeders would be truly appreciated. I wouldn't mind travelling if it can be done in 1-2 days driving. I know there are plenty of breeders in the states in the Vermont-New Hampshire area. The only Corgi I've seen in Montreal was from a breeder in Alabama. That's a bit too far for me to drive. But I know some breeders airmail puppies on occasion. 

Hi Jonathan,  I met Lynda from Mezzoo at a dog show two years ago and she is an excellent breeder.  I would also recommend Queenly as Caroline Le Bel provides a superior customer service.  I have met her once and was impressed by her commitment and dedication towards her dogs and buyers.  You will need a lot of support as it's your first experience as a dog owner.  After six years, I am still in love with my Layla but you must be aware that a happy corgi needs a lot of exercise.  A good option could be to start as a foster family in order to make sure that this is the right breed for you.  At the same time, with a corgi ''clé en main'', you don't have to go through the demanding first steps.  When I bought Layla, I was introduced to her parents.  I feel it's an important part of the process in selecting your dog.  My dog doesn't bark and is very calm as were her parents.  My breeder no longer exists but I also heard that Curig (http://www.curigcorgis.com) near Ottawa is a good one. In my opinion, Queenly, Mezzoo and Curig Faerie Tale are good choices.  I am not sure if Spock corgis still exists but it's worth looking at her website : www.spockcorgis.com ).  Hope this helps ! 


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