So far, at 17 weeks, Brian is:
1. very calm and quiet when he's outside/going for car rides.
2. talkative; he barks, growls, aroooos, grumbles, meows, etc. of course, he does all this inside the house.
3. I'm not sure if he'll outgrow this, but he does not chew his food. He just inhales it right up.
4. He used to dig in his water bowl, but he does not do it anymore.

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ditto on all 4...especially 2 and 4, which Bailey still does on occasion...
Also, she is not big of a cuddler...The only time we can get her to just lay with us is in the mroning when she is real sleepy...she is definitely not a morning puppy...likes to sleep even longer than I do, which says a lot :-) Other times she is always going. We call her our ADHD puppy :-)
Nibbler has been great about car rides and going walks since day one. I could have sworn the breeder worked on walking on a leash with her before we got her! She acted like it wasn't even there. She is a total lady in public and around strangers but can be hyper at home. She loves to play but if you lay down to nap she will immediately jump up and curl up next to you until you get back up. Nibbler used to dig in her water bowl but she has stopped since we bought her a deeper bowl. She is not a food inhaler though....surprising for a corgi! She will wait around and eat it slowly and bring it with her to the carpet before eating it.
Oh, and when either one of us comes home, she does this funny half growl half howl thing, it almost sounds like a purr. It's the only time she does it, we've tried imitating the sound to get her to do it again, it's so funny.
I agree with all except 2, Bella is not a barker. She's pretty calm most of the time. Doesn't chew on anything but her toys! Bella is all girl and very smart! When you talk with her, she looks you in the eye, doesn't always mind really well but thats my fault since I waited to start training. Scheduled for next month. She's just a joy to have around and goes almost everywhere with me.
Cooper is really calm, and relaxed. Hes barker, but will bark for 15 seconds then stop. Hes a really good, smart corgi.
Max ( year and a half) isn't a barker, he yodels! He is mister mellow. Loves the car, loves to go anywhere. He has to be with other dogs or people. He loves the water, if it's his water bowl or a mud puddle. That dog heads for any water and comes out muddy and happy.
Bella is now a year old! I can't believe it
1 She is very calm inside and outdoors.
2. Sleeps most of the day until it's time to go to the dog park! She gets up and starts tracking my every step at 4 until we leave for the park.
3. Comes home from the park, eats, plays, she loves to play with her toys and curl up with me for the evening.
4. Bella inhales her food as well. Loves the Flossie's and Zukes
5. Very smart (she has completed puppy 1,2,3 and is currently in class for the CGC preperation. We hope to take the test at the end of August 2010. See this link of Bella great escape on youtube
6. She's about 27 lbs fully grown.


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