Our little mix, Sugar, is very corgi-like in her build (perhaps not as solid, but definitely long in the body and short in the leg). I know that Dachshunds benefit from a walking harness, and wonder if Corgis (though definitely stouter) are the same? She does pull a bit (I need to work on that more), and I know that harnesses can encourage pulling, but I sure don't want that lengthy spine to be damaged should she lunge or startle at something. Do you prefer a collar or a harness (or something else), and why? Thanks!!

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I walk all 4 of mine with harnesses. I asked my Vet about collar vs. harness and she recommended harnesses. She explained because of their build and strength they would benefit from harnesses so I don't ever use a collar on them.

Thanks WhiteDove!

Hearing what your vet said is a huge help. Time to go get a harness!

We use a harness for 'quick' outside trips or car rides.  We clip her harness into the seat belt to prevent her from climbing into the front seat.

Our girl is no nice to other dogs and we had a real problem walking with her when we first got her.  Obedience class introduced us to the prong collar, which looked like a torture contraption to me.  I went along with it and we have not looked back.  A milli-second pull and she's corrected and not wearing herself out by pulling.  She does pull with her harness because she knows it won't get her attention when we correct her.  It's really helped us to have more pleasant walks.


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