Hey there. I am a Corgi owner who's done a lot of thinking about showing. Though I know my Ein is not "show quality" I'd still like to know more info about showing for the future. I'd like to ask questions on this page and have you answer them here. It would be great if you can post pics of your showing "adventures" on this page as well.

So if anyone's interested, please post any info/photos in this discussion :)

Melissa and Ein

Q1: What are the basics of choosing a show dog?
Q2: How does one obtain a show dog and how much should one pay?

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Thanks so much Dina :) This really helps a lot. When we were on the pursuit for Ein we got in contact with one of the few breeders in town. Unfortunately they did not have any puppies available. We developed a great relationship with our contact (Wisky River Corgis) who then recommended a great breeder (Nancy Kritchen of Tiffany Kennels) about 4 hours away. I got in contact with her and obtained Ein. She inquired if we were ever interested in showing because she has show-quality puppies or knows of other reputable breeders who do. She showed my husband one of her show dogs and gave a quote of about $1200-$1500. Wisky River Corgis informed me that if I was ever interested in showing that they'd really like to help me out (they'd take me under their wing). Your info was right on! :)
Hope you don't mind but here's another cpl of questions...

Q3: How much of an investment is showing? (I know that you can win prize money but how long would it take for you to get out of the hole?)
Q4: The biggest question of them all...What are the treats that the handlers give to the dogs at show? I've seen handlers put them in their mouths then give them to the dogs! lol.
I like to use string cheese, it doesnt get too gooey when it gets warm, it just gets a little soft and then dries up if you forget about it. I think the string cheese is easy to see too and helps them keep their visual focus on it because of its white color. Thats just me.
Kind of late into this thread but this if from the cardigan perspective too.

A show prospect should be thought of as a breeding prospect in my mind. Originally that's what shows were for, evaluation of breeding stock. Today it's a lot more then that but at the bare bones you are exhibiting dogs that are thought of to be the next generation of the breed. Structure correct to the standard, temperament is highly important and health. Granted many a nice dog is shown with hidden health issues such as a carrier for PRA or other things, but you have to set your own "line in the sand" Even if all you want is one dog to play with, are showing the dog for your ego or as a representative of the breed?

Cost-that's a loaded one. Depending on the breed, bloodlines and area of the country. I know of show prospects sold at the same price as pets-$800-1000.00 and then again, some show prospects upwards of 1500 to 3000.00. It's all relative and if price is an issue, reexamine the breeder, the type of dog and your reasons for showing.

Costs to show---I agree, you are usually never in the black. Prize money-ha, that's usually only at specialties in the sweeps classes and most of the time you get back your entry fee. Winning big money at big name shows-you'll end up investing more then you win.

Treats-liver, heart, beef jerky, steak, chicken, you name it, I've seen it used. You use what works best for your dog. A terrier handler I know uses a tennis ball for one of her dogs. Vienna sausages, pepperoni, again, you name, I've seen it! I typically have steak, roast beef or chicken. That way I can eat right along with the dog :)

It is a fun sport but you have to have a hard heart at times, be able to take a lot of flack and be honest about your dog. You might invest a lot in a dog that doesn't turn out - what's your back up plan then?

Get with a breeder or handler and help them out for awhile. See if it's something that you can have fun with long term. Remember most dogs are not specials material so if your dog finishes, what then? Have a backup plan-obedience, rally, herding or tracking. One of my mottos is that a balance dog has titles at both ends :)

Good luck!!!
got this in an email , from a friend, and
I can relate Melissa having been out of showing for some 20 years and just getting back into it with a completely different breed
And I can tell you , these folks here are THE BEST!! They have all helped me tremendously!!!
this will give you a chuckle:
This sure gave me a chuckle
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > . If you love to talk about dogs, you're a know-it-all.
> >
> > . If you don't talk about dogs, you know nothing.
> >
> > . If you stop to chat at a show, you're a show-off.
> >
> > . If you don't, success has gone to your head.
> >
> > . If your dogs are at all the shows, you're not letting others in on the
> > wins.
> >
> > . If you're absent, you're afraid of the competition.
> >
> > . If your dog wins, you know the judges.
> >
> > . If you don't win, it's obvious your dog isn't quality.
> >
> > . If you win and thank the judge, you're playing politics.
> >
> > . If you win and don't thank the judge, you're rude.
> >
> > . If you lose and congratulate the winner, you're a hypocrite.
> >
> > . If you lose and don't t say anything, you're a poor sport.
> >
> > . If you've been breeding less than 20 years you're a newcomer.
> >
> > . If you've been breeding for more than 20 years, you should get out of
> > the way
> > of the up-and-comers.
> >
> > . If you use your own stud, you're kennel blind.
> >
> > . If you go outside for stud services, you don't think much of your own
> > breeding
> > or your using your "friends" dogs
> >
> > . If you sell most of your puppies, you're trying to flood the market.
> >
> > . If you keep most of your puppies, they're not good enough to sell.
> >
> > . If you keep your health testing up to date, you're admitting your lines
> > are
> > full of problems.
> >
> > . If you don't check for every condition known to veterinary science,
> > you're
> > irresponsible and have no integrity.
> >
> > . If you choose to mentor or offer 'free' advice, you're arrogant.
> >
> > . And finally, if you keep your opinions and knowledge to yourself, you
> > haven't
> > learned anything.
We were just looking for a pet when we were put in contact with a breeder with a nice Pembroke in February, 2010. When the people we met while looking saw him they said, "You gotta' show him!" We've been doing that since May, and we're having a great time of it, so is our "Hank". All of our new Corgi friends tell us it's just a matter of time before we get our next Corgi. Always fun to meet people who love these dogs as much as we do. You learn a lot very quickly and it doesn't have to be too expensive. Make sure you watch "Best in Show" before you start this. Recommend getting involved in a local club... and better yet, a Corgi club, if there's one near you. If your breeder is close by, they can be a great mentor in all of this crazyness (they have a stake in your dog too).


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