Very short notice but a couple of us are planning on meeting up this Sunday, June 26th 2011. If you are interested Please let us know ASAP so we can figure out the best location to meet. (as of right now the plan was to meet up at one of our homes). My yard can handle a few dogs as long as they stay outside. Please let us know if you want to join this short notice meet-up and how many dogs you would be bringing. Meet-up time would be early to mid afternoon. THANKS

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Hello, My boyfriend and I can make it this Sunday with our two corgis. We are still pretty new to Grand Rapids and I've been to Hillcrest park, but just let me know time and place! Thanks! ~Gina
I can handle 5 corgi's in my back yard  as long if that is okay with you. They will have to stay outside, so I will hope that it does not rain. I do not know of any great dog parks. I have two little girls, a cat, gerbils, and another old dog (who will not participate) so if any of that is a problem we may have to meet elsewhere. My yard is not large but it will do for an informal get-together. Please call me for my address..I do not want to post it....616-248-3168. Let's set the time for 2pm.  Thanks..I look forward to meeting you.

Our pups had a good time.  They were sleeping the whole way home. 


Gina, thanks for the dog cookies!


We will need to have another event at our house sometime. 


I have more photos that I can email if you guys are interested.  I didn't want to post any with the people or kids, but I can send them if you want.

Great photos!! I have a ton as well, but have yet to post them. Maggie must have had a run for her money. She was so tired Sunday evening on into Monday. We will have to get them all together again!!


Thank you all for coming and thank you for the special treats!!!!

These are really nice photos, thank you for taking them!  My dogs were completely zonked Sunday night as well, I'm glad we were able to bring them out.  I love seeing a group of corgis together, they're all so cute!


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