Carol Braitman

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am an Operating Room nurse. I am married with 2 girls. I have 2 wonderful Corgi's, Augie and Charlotte. My cats are down to 3 now. We have New Kitty, aka Pickles, Roy, and Mr. O. Our 4th kitty, Baby, died June 21. We miss her a lot.
About My Corgi(s):
Augie turned 7 in March, and Charlotte was 4 in July. They are the best Corgi's ever!

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Carol. . .would love to see pictures of Augie and Charlotte
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Carol!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Good looking corgis! :-)
  • Cindi

    Augie and Charlotte look like they're having a grand time! Welcome aboard!
  • Corgi Mom

    You're quite welcome. I first saw your video on YouTube. It's one of my favorites. :-)
  • Cindi

    The "Talk Like a Corgi" video has been a favorite ever since I saw it on YouTube!!! When I have a bad day, I play it and laugh myself silly. And, yes, our corgis do the same stuff. Cracks me up!
  • Angie DesPeaux

    Aww thanks! She's real cute but today she's being naughty hahah!
  • Patti

    Carol, thanks 4 your comments and the welcome - perhaps my next cardi will be named dyson! Augie and Charlotte are beut's (sp?), Inseperable, too, huh - just like mine, they refuse to even go in the car without the other. I'll post pic's of my beastie's soon.
  • Natalie

    Thank You
  • Arlette

    welcome fellow hoosier!! :) ur corgis are very cute!!
  • Megan

    Hi Carol! How funny! My parents live in Westfield! Howdy neighbor! Do you guys have horses? We have a farm with 5 Quarter Horses, and we've got a couple of empty stalls we're trying to board out, as well.
  • Laurie

    Thank you for your comment. We were celebrating Rosie's first birthday. We bought her a special cake from Three Dog Bakery, but she much preferred the people cake over her doggie birthday cake.
  • Brian Davis

    Thank you Carol:) Augie and Charlotte are so cute .Love your cats too .
  • Shel7997

    Thanks Carol! your babies are so cute!!!
  • Carolyn

    Thanks for your note. Carmel is about an hour away from us. We are wintering in FL. right now and the girls love it. They entertain us with their antics. It's fun to watch them carry the same toy at the same time. Gynx had surgery not long ago and I was quite anxious over that, but she is o.k. now. My picture shows my 12 year-old grandson hugging the girls. He loves to come to our house and play with them. They are so loving! Your doggies are wonderful! Aren't they fun?
  • Carol Braitman

    Happy New Year Everyone!
    I hope you all have a safe and happy new year> I'm so thankful to have found this site, and met so many nice corgi ( and cat) people!!!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Happy New Year 2008 Carol, Augie and Charlotte!!! I am so glad to meet you all and I look forward to a great new year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • deelee lew

    Corgi tumbleweeds, how hilarious! Yes people have said they expected another corgi to climb out of the fur pile after deshedding. Happy new year.
  • JW

    I love that Talk Like a Corgi video! Hilarious :) Hope you and your corgis are enjoying your home in Indy! Do you ever get the itch to move back to Michigan?
  • Patti

    Happy New Year Miss Carol! I swear our Dogs and Cats are channeling each other - let's trade Dysons! I hope this year brings you and yours many blessings. P.
  • Patti

    Carol, I would literally die in 1degree temp, I'm so spoiled by FLA weather. Don't know how u do it. And was it Charlotte looking for something to roll in - again mine love doing that too,'specially after being groomed, and usually it's something that is dead. Had to get up at 4 to watch a neighbor;s baby cuz his brother was having surgery today, but saw the dogs sleeping together 4 warmth, both on their backs with 8 legs in the air, corgimoment...
  • Patti

    my thoughts r with u on taking apart a dyson! now you are a professional dyson engineer, as well as corgi wrangler! perhaps we should send the corgi convention to the dyson test lab, maybe they'd name the next vacuum after charlotte!

    Hi Carol! Thanks for your comment. You have cute corgis. I really liked the pictures when they were both in the pool but I guess they really didn't want to swim. My fiance is a RN too and we are from California. We got Benzo before Christmas and he is really energetic! I am thinking if we should get him a friend soon because he might get lonely. Hope all is well! Take care!
  • Brian Davis

    Thank you Carol :) Sweet of you to say . Yes , it is strange how fast it happens . I am still trying to make sure my cats have enough attention since Brynn is such a little Diva ! LOL

    Yes! It's a very nice and comfortable car. He even likes riding in that black car! We take him to 2 hour trips to visit his other grandparents in Sacramento area, California. I think he likes the camera and my father likes taking his picture because he really looks photogenic!
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol :) Yeah Brynn likes to go in the car , we take her everywhere .When i hold her ( When she isn't in her kennel ) she likes to look out and bark at people and things .Today were taking her to the river to show her water ! I'll keep you posted how she reacts .
  • Kevin Luke

    Thanks. Nice to meet you too Carol :)
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol :) Brynn is having fun ! The cats are jealous they can't come too. Were thinking of taking her to Seattle next weekend if the weathers nice .If not Seattle then back up to the mountain for more snow fun .Hope all is well with you and your babies .