Carol Braitman

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am an Operating Room nurse. I am married with 2 girls. I have 2 wonderful Corgi's, Augie and Charlotte. My cats are down to 3 now. We have New Kitty, aka Pickles, Roy, and Mr. O. Our 4th kitty, Baby, died June 21. We miss her a lot.
About My Corgi(s):
Augie turned 7 in March, and Charlotte was 4 in July. They are the best Corgi's ever!

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  • Brian Davis

    63 ? How Lucky ! Here it's around 33 .And yes , my cats don't like driving with me . They think Vet every time .LOL
  • Charlie

    Thank you Carol! It was nothing...just a phone call. I'm glad the dog's owner found it. :)
  • Brian Davis

    Thank you for the food info , I did look at it and will keep my options open :) Have a great day !
  • Patti

    Hello, Miss Carol - long time no talk, we've been busy, but hope you and your dwarf dogs are aok! It has warmed up here - 80degrees! yeah we can go outside again! we are wimps!, Kai is his wonderful self - always at my side - always looking for food, Luna, actually has some news - at the groomers today, they have been pretty persistent in getting me to make sure she starts in their agility classes - they have their own club, and "looney tunes" will start next wednesday pm. So I'm sure wherever you are - you'll be able to hear the ruckus she'll be making....

    BTW for your rescue, don't know if this helps, but my breeder is the head of the cardi corgi rescue for FLA - if u ever need it. She's a wonderful woman, has been so helpful to me thru the years and I'm sure could help u...

  • Patti

    Miss Carol - so sorry to hear about your misfortune - that must hurt, and I'm wondering how on earth you can keep an "airbag" inflated with nippy little corgi's around... I do hope you get better fast. And corgi walk withdrawal almost needs a 12step program of it's own. Looney Tunes gives new meaning to agility and obedience, I am quite used to her antics, but everyone else just watches and wonders. It is difficult to get people to see beyond her "looks" and help me get her to focus and perform, but she is actually in the phase when she wants to learn and perform, so she's moving along quite well. Kai's jealous, so he's picking up as much as he can, and doing well too. BTW, weather here is 80, in case you wanted to know (sorry)
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - Hope you get better soon :)
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - When will you be back on your feet ? Are you getting your "kids" to help you around the house ? Thanks for the photo comments and get well soon .
    I do love the eyes and what they tell us with them .Brynn is getting so big and almost done with her shots !!! yay !!!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - Thanks for the comment on the photo :)
    My kitties are doing better , Simone still stays away from Brynn for the most part .She likes to taunt her by jumping up to high places and watching Brynn bark ,and bark .
    Missy loves Brynn :) They play together all day ! So strange the one that doesn't have claws plays with Brynn the most .
    I just have to make sure i give them all some alone time .
    Speaking of going outside , we didn't go on a walk yesterday cause it was like 22 outside !!!! Have to do it today or Brynn will lose it .
    OH , and she gets her last set of shots on Saturday !!!! Yay !!! We can let her meet other dogs now, and not worry about her as much on her walks smelling everything.
  • colleen

    Thank you, Carol. I did not imagine that I would get another dog so soon after Buddy passed but I had never gone a day in my life without a dog and felt completely lost! It made Buddy's absence all the more obvious and painful. Initially I planned to foster rescues but fortunately and unfortunately there aren't many in our area. My children saw how sad I was and found Des. I saw that face and he made me smile. He has helped to fill a hole. We adore him! he is very gentle and calm like Buddy was and very bright too. He is 90% potty trained after only a week! He knows "come", "leave it", "sit", "down" and "outside". He makes me sooo happy. And I'm still on the list to foster.
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol - I have been found ! I should switch my profile :) I wish we would get some more snow out here so Brynn could play in it like Charlotte .Brynn does the same thing , dig and eat !
    I have seen Al Gaiv's page with the bedroom for his baby !!! So cute .
    I took Brynn for an hour walk yesterday and she was the best yet .She still is hyper at first , bites on the leash etc.. but after 10 min of calming down she walks at my side and it's so peaceful .I LOVE our walks , so good for the both of us even thou it's 25 outside ! lol.
    Hope your feeling better everyday .
  • Patti

    Now Miss Carol, you have to read carefully! I know you are injured and all.... Looney puts three toys away, roots thru the box and then takes ten toys out! But seriously, she's actually got it down, I'm just working on getting her to stop taking the toys OUT of the box.. I hope you are feeling better. I put a photo up tonite of Kai that was published in SurferMag - some photographer caught us on the beach and called him "wondermutt" - what does that idiot photog know anyways........
  • Ras987

    Thanks for the insight... I've been reading about it a bit, one thing i heard is that they may just be craving "greens" in the diet. Maybe you know the answer to this: my other dog (not a corgi) has started sniffing and eating her poo... nasty i know! but im not sure why... not the puppy's but her own.. got any thoughts?
  • CastleBee

    Hi Carol! Thanks for the welcome. I live on the far west side just a few miles from Hendricks Co. I love your photo gallery! I can't imagine how you got them to wear the costumes...mine both go ballistic if I try that. Yet, I keep trying. LOL.
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol - Glad your feeling a little better . Soon you'll be back to normal and walking again. I am getting addicted to our walks. if i don't get them in i feel bad .
    Brynn is starting to get protective a bit .On the walks i notice she kind of gives a warning bark at people and things if they are close.She also gets jealous when i spend time with my cats !!
  • Patti

    How's the ankle? r the dogs helping? hope u r doing ok.
  • Patti

    poo beard's are somthing else, aren't they - when luna came around the corner with her first one, i wondered what on earth, and as she got closer, i could smell her. damn dog. but boy was she happy. maybe i'll try your idea, and go for the cosmo's - luna get's a poo beard, i get a cosmo!
  • Patti

    glad ur doing better and u have a friend to help with the hair! dog's, too of course....
  • Patti

    stop giving me ideas. hmmmmm hypnotizing corgis, i can see it now.. ok luna u act like a good dog and.... go get me a cosmo!
  • Charlie

    Hi Carol,

    Thank you for the compliment. It's nice to have people with sane advice like you here too! :)

    Still no luck getting a group of active Austin Corgi owners together. I did post a couple of Austin all-dog and small-dog events on the forum. Charlie still hasn't seen another Corgi since he left his littermates. Maybe someday! :) Delete Comment
  • Charlie

    I can see Corgis recognizing their "own kind". Watching Charlie play with other breeds, it seems like herding breeds have a different play style than non-herding dogs. Then to be a herding dog, and a shortie on top of that! :)

    There is a big annual Corgi meetup for CorgiAid every October in a town about 70-80 miles away. We didn't go this past year because Charlie hadn't finished his puppy shots yet. I'd like to meet other Corgi people before October, but if not, then maybe we'll make some "buddies" then.

    Hopefully you can find some Indy pals too! It's nice for Augie and Charlotte to have each other anyway. :)
  • Ruth Bergloff

    I want to name my next corgi Waffles! Pancake loves jumping in the pool by himself but he knows only to stay in the shallow end. Your corgis are adorable!
  • Daisy

    The program I use is just simple paint the one that comes with your computer, but if you mean the movie program I use windows movie maker 2.1. Thanks for the comment!
  • Brian Davis

    Carol - Glad to hear your up and about ! :) We didn't do much further then you last night , it was windy with freezing rain so we only walked Brynn for 15 min and had to go home .The sad thing is that Brynn was just getting into her walk , which means walking on my left side and at my side .Today will be much better i hope, normal rain and wind ! LOL
  • Brian Davis

    P.S .
    Don't ya just hate the duck poop !
  • Stephanie Jones

    Thanks! Your babies are cute too!

    We should definitely start an Indiana group! I just found this site today, the first one just for Corgis.
  • Linda Baker

    Hi Carol, I accidently deleted your comment when I thought I was opening it. I am computer challenged. Your babies are beautiful
  • ManTau 饅頭

    Hi Carol, thanks a lot. Man Tau is getting a lot better now. Just took him to the vet on Saturday and confirmed he is now free of distemper, what a relief. He is like 2lbs heavier than the day I bought him (almost 3 weeks ago). It's amazing to see how him grow up bit by bit everyday. Your corgis are beautiful. I hope one day Man Tau can meet up with Augie and Charlotte :)
  • Bryan

    Hi Carol. You were right. Sam's Corgi win's the longest tongue contest paws down for least until I can try that empty peanut butter jar test with Blue. :-) I love that picture!
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol - That is one of the reasons rain is a good thing ! Glad your feeling better :)
    One more week and Brynn is safe to meet other dogs !!!!!! YAY !!!! I can't wait ! Then it will soon be time for the BIG surgery :( They told me we have to keep her kind of mellow after it which will be sort of hard since she is a bundle of energy .
    My baby is growing up ...
  • JCWeber

    Hi, Carol, and thanks for welcoming me. Yes, I plan to get another corgi, maybe even two, but my vet asked me to wait, as my aby, Leo, is going to be 17 next month and is diabetic. I need to give him 2 injections of insulin a day. He is getting older and probably wouldn't welcome a puppy. He was great with Chuck, but they were only a week apart and grew up together.
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - .Good to see your feeling better .
    We took Brynn on a walk in the swamp today ! She loved it .So many birds to bark at :)
    Looking forward to seeing your photos , i put a few new ones up .
  • Brian Davis

    Carol - Brynn is wiped out tonight ! She is being so gentle to the cats , giving them sweet kisses .(a first )
    She is growing so fast ! We gave her a bath tonight since she was kinda stinky after the outing today .
    I haven't done any scrap booking yet , but will start thinking about it .Thanks for the compliments:))
  • Charlie

    Thanks for the compliment on Charlie and the cat. You should try to catch a picture of Charlotte and Mr. O! I love dog/cat pictures. It's funny, Charlie and two of my cats "argue" all day over who gets to sit in Mom's recliner while I work at the computer. : )
  • Megan

    Hello! How are things your way?? I haven't been home since the holidays, unfortunately. I definitely know I'll be home and going to the Hoosier Horse Fair, and hopefully some time before. Perhaps this summer we can get together and your daughter can ride my horses and our Corgis can play!
  • Megan

    Have fun at the dog show! My dad is actually the secretary of the Hoosier Kennel Club, so he'll be there all weekend long, plus my family is planning to go Sunday. I was going to come home for it, but I'm working a horse show this weekend.
  • juliette

    Hallo Carol.
    You have cute corgi's too!
    Nice that you have a doughter of 14 years to!
    I am a realy big fan off America, I love New York very much. I never bin to America , but i know that i wil come to America some day! And maby i will stay there for ever. My sister likes don't like America very much , and maby i will go there as a exchange students! Becouse i realy want to know how it is on a real high school!!!!!!
    Nice that Hannah likes to dans to!!
  • juliette

    Oh My english is not so very good.
  • Linda Mae

    Thank-you for visiting me Carol!!

    Linda Mae
  • juliette

    hi Carol
    ooh your doughter speeks frensh?
    I love the language frensh, its realy a beautiful language.
    On my school we have frensh to i like that!
    ok i wil visit that page, maby i can get ther more infromation!!
    thank you!!
    give my recards toyour doughters and afcourse your sweet corgi's
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Well I guess we'll both have a really good year!! I think I'm gonna watch the agility tonite. I love watching, wish I could do that but my running days are over. Bad right knee and I'm allergic to scalpels! LOL
  • Brian Davis

    Thank you for the compliment Carol :) You back to normal now ?
    Did you post those new photos yet ?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carol! Thanks for the awesome comment, I am so glad that you're enjoying the site. It's been very exciting launching the site and I am surprised how well it is doing. We have over 90K traffic a month :) Thanks for being a part of the site and sharing your precious corgis with us!
  • Bama Girl

    Hi Carol! Thanks for your comment. I am afraid Bama may go blind from all the photos I keep taking of her. She is the sweetest dog I have ever had. She is a hand-full but a joy and a pleasure to take care of and play with.
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol - Thank god you don't have to have surgery !!!! My friend did , and it took forever to heal .
    Last night i took Brynn in the shower with me , and she liked it more then when i put her in alone , or used the sink .We saved on water !!! LOL
    My baby is growing up , and clean and fluffy too .
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Carol :) I love the photos of your babies ( All dogs are babies to me ) Thanks so much for posting them , glad you got it to work !
    P.S. Brynn just looks like she likes her picture taken . LOL
  • JoAnne

    OMG......I just love those feet! It looks like a Charlie Chaplan stash going on there? is it? mine each have cute.
  • JoAnne

    when you're in town we'll have to do some "shooting"
    I would love to!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Carol -Noooooooo !!! LOL Guess i'll be looking for a groomer soon.
    Taking Brynn to the coast in the morning !! Yay !! She has seen about everything besides this so far , can't wait to see what she does .The weather should be around 50 with low winds , perfect .I'll be with camera :))
    Your family feeling better ? Any plans this weekend?
  • Kim

    Thanks for asking! It is indeed Tucker and I appreciate all the help and caring comments everyone had given to my friend Janet, who got me to join.
  • ♥ AdEle

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