

Las Vegas

United States

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Las Vegas, Nevada
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I have 1 pembroke welsh corgi and 1 swedish vallhund. Nubs to the extreme!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Striped Tiger!
  • Katelyn

    Your corgi is so cute!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard StripedTiger! You have a beautiful corgi!
  • Tess

    why thank you! so is yours!!
  • Sasha

    Eowyn is really cute!!!! What breeder did you get her from in Nevada? (If you did get her from a breeder in Nevada) Just wondering. :) lol!!!I like your slide show! Awesome pictures!!
  • Sasha

    Thanks for telling me where you got Eowyn:). Yes... I have been looking at many corgis. I read about Eowyn and I thought that she sounded like a nice little corgi so I thought that I would ask where you got your wonderful corgi!! :)
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks for the photo comment Eowyn and Eowyn's human slave! =P i love those pics where it looks as if the dog is almost "smiling" =*). ive been so busy with my little one!
  • Mochi The Corgi

    I think we have twin Corgi's!! My Mochi has the same Markings as E the little diamond on the back of her neck?
  • Avyon

    Oh Wow! Your photos are amazing! I wish I could take pictures like that of Roxi :) (though Im sure it helps that your models are beautiful ;))

    I hope it warms up soon too hahah :) Its not like she was freezing, we have a normal house heater she just likes that space heater so we keep it on for her.
  • Avyon

    By the way I thought you named Eowyn with a welsh name hehe so I was reading it Eoun.
  • Niki

    I agree your pictures are amazing..what beautiful scenary to take pictures of the little girl in!
  • Niki

    thank you for your compliment...I just love this I discovered it yesterday and now I am addicted. I am learning so much about corgi's and all their little quirks and how they relate to my doggy.
  • Kristen

    thank you for the compliment on Fergie's photo. She is a charactor. Where were you when you took all the photos with the water and red rocks? I especially like the soggy dog photo. Eowyn is beautiful and looks to be a happy contented little girl.
  • Jason&Amanda

    Yes Elvis was born with out a tail, well I guess he has a tail but at the same time not :) Thank you for the compliment, you have some stunning photos, very talented you are ;)
  • Heather

    Eowyn is beautiful! Corky loves the snow and the water too...we're going to try to take her hiking/camping this'll be her first! Thanks for the comments :) Your pictures are gorgeous & it looks like you have a lot of great places to take her!
  • penny spencer

    Thanks for the compliments! Your Eowyn girl is lovely. I've not had Roscoe to the beach but he hates baths! Think this summer we'll give it a try though Penny does not like the water. We just lead her in on her leash anyway to cool her off. Take care.
  • Mike

    Thanks for the nice words. I like your Pembroke. What a cutie! We had planned to get a pembroke but at the time my wife didnt know there was 2 different Corgis. We went to see some cardigans and picked out Lance. My brother has a pembroke and she is a sweet dog.
  • Brian

    Thanks! Cole is a runt only 32lbs.
  • Beth

    Thanks! Eowyn is quite a cutie too! Wow, Eowyn doesn't shed? Bonnie has been shedding like crazy now that spring has arrived.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Striped Tiger, Yes I hope he will be able to stay out all the time soon too. I am afraid that I will come home one day to a bad surprise , like him chewing on furniture! That is why he has been in his kennel until today, which was by accident. I dont give Lance bones because his stomache is too sensitive and if unsupervised he would probably swallow too much at once! Although he does have a baseball, football that are pretty chew proofed. Dont know if he would play ball by himself. Although he used too alot when he was a puppy. Once and awhile he will play ball by himself when we are home, which I think is so cute. I really am afraid to give him any other toys cause he pretty much destroys them. So how do I know if he isnt going to get really bored one day down the road and get destructive...scary!! How long you leave your corgi out at one time by herself? Today I was only gone 3 hours, phew!! Thanks for your input Natalie
  • Caitlin

    Thanks, the wait is making my kids crazy, especially my daughter, she's 12.

    I love your profile by the way, and I see you have guinea pigs, we have 2 also!
  • Casey

    Thank you so much for the nice compliment! And your little lady is so gorgeous! I love her name - so Welsh, just perfect! I was looking for a name like that for Bailey when I got him but just couldn't come up with something that pretty.. besides, he *looks* like a Bailey anyway!
  • Michelle

    Thanks from the spoiled ones for your compliment. I visited your page and read about your adorable corgi. Your photos are breathtaking, what a beautiful area you live in.

    HAHAHA my Boo dog also refuses to grow up. BIG PUPPY my boo!!! Diva is the more grounded one, she's my little cuddle monkey. (But only when she has not been stink rolling as corgis are known to do.)
  • Kona

    Thanks for the comment. Eowyn is a cutie also. and she doesnt shed? omg now im jealous. haha
  • WhiteDove

    Hello TripedTiger, love your pics. . .Babs and Cloe shed just a bit but Sid, you can make a pillow from the hair that comes off him. . . .LOL
  • Carmen

    I adore the idea of Eowyn and the borzoi puppy! Hope to see more pictures soon!
  • Vladimir

    jk thank you :-)
  • Juel

    What beautiful puppy and country you live in! As a prospective corgi owner: can I ask why you got a corgi? did you consider a Cardi or only a pemi? How does Eowyn get a long with her big brother? My boyfriend has a pure bread germen shepard, and I have some concern about bringing a littler dog in the house. Rusty ( the teenage sheperd) has different relationships with our cats. One he plays tag with or just leave her be, the other kitty (who past away saterday) he wanted to pick up and carry around or lick constantly. Do corgi's stand their ground? thanks for your time!
  • Jenny Michel

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank you for your advice on my blog, I really do appreciate it! Natalie
  • Melissa

    Thank you, I have been training science she was 6months so she should be ready soon. She just want to stay with me off lead.
    Your corgi is sssooo cute. You'll get used to the shedding, I have to brush mine every day.
    How is Nevada this time of year? It raining a lot in Missouri right now.
  • Melissa

    I do agility, obedience, and rally with my corgis. They love it. There are no dog parks around me, I live in the middle of nowhere.