
Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi, My name's Chris and I have a Corgi (Charlie) who will be 6 months old tomorrow (12/19/07). I work from home, and so does Charlie. He's my office assistant. I don't have a personal website to post, so I'm posting a link to the other Corgi forum we frequent.
About My Corgi(s):
Charlie. Pembroke Welsh Corgi and ultimate companion.

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  • Sasha

    Charlie is really cute!!! It's almost hard to discribe him!!!
  • Patti

    Chris - your answer was not too long - it's what I had been guessing about Kai. He is the sweetest dog, just every other dog seems to want to prove how macho they are around him - and Kai just looks at me like "what did I do" I'll take your advice! and maybe we'll let Luna be his guard dog....
  • Christina & Vicki

    Charlie, you sure are handsome!! I love the pics of you and your cat friend.

  • Heather

    Your corgi has the same crooked white marks on his face as mine does. I think it gives them character instead of being so symmetrical.
  • NoClaws4Alarm

    not a problem... I had heard of alpha rolling before and remembered that article when I looked it up the first time. It really puts into perspective what your dog is feeling when you do that.

    Definitely not the message I want to give to my little ones :/

    I firmly believe that true pack leaders need to earn the respect of their pack without violence... they can't just take it.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Chris & Charlie! This is kinda a side question on the snapping issue in the forum. Instead of posting it there, I thought I'd ask you there. As you might know, Bailey currently has a problem with biting peoples pant leg's and then if we try to stop him or get him off the pant or shirt- he'll go for our feet or hands. I asked my breeder, and she recommended a spray bottle. Spray and follow with a "NO!". Before trying this, I was wondering what you think?!?!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks Chris and Charlie! =) I'll let ya know how it goes.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hes actually a VERY obedient dog, so i am really starting to think the nipping is just out of instinct/wanting to play and a puppy thing. He'll sit whenever i tell him to, even without a treat. That's cause I taught him the first day he came home at 8 weeks. he's really good about that. And he knows wait (for me to put down something and say OK! before he can go near it like treats/food bowl), jump (over my leg since hes still a tiny thing) and im having the hardest time teaching down (I haven't much attempted cause it seems to be goign nowhere). I'm going to work on drop it/take it, I saw your post in another forum. Going to try that this weekend! I think he's just easily bored. Gonna get him some kibble dispensing and other toys this weekend.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Haha.. But guess what.. I've already seen that video! LOL! I was trying to look for tips, and I actually ran across that video.. And at the end I found myself scratching my head saying.. Wow oh great that was a lot of help! =P Yeah he'll eventually get it!!! It is a short legged thing!! =) Thanks!
  • Karen & Bailey

    ok Bailey's got down DOWN!! i couldnt help but try again when i got home and he finally did it consistently. haha. well only if theres a treat on the floor. gotta work on that. once perfected.... bye bye treats! thanks for the encouragement!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Chris - How you and Charlie doing ? Brynn and i have been very busy with out of town guests .She is getting ready for her surgery next weekend . My baby is growing up so fast !
    Hope all is well with you guys :))
  • Peanut and sarah

    hi chris and charlie! wow charlie is SO handsome and getting big! i can hardly see the butterfly on his nose anymore. they grow up so fast! take care!
  • Enzo

    Thank you for the input. We are on the way up to our breeders house who also happens to be a vet tonight. We are hoping its minor...
  • Winj

    To be honest, I was pretty surprised to find a group for Austin on here! However, it is nice to see that there are other people that appreciates corgis in town. It'd be fun if there was a corgi get-together of something...
    I live North, couple miles from Lakeline.
  • Enzo

    Good News! his eyes are fine... I'm pretty sure he was shaking the dandelions and getting the pollen in his eyes. I am relieved that he wasn't broken, we just got over Giardia :( on top of all of it he had a vaccine today. poor guy
    good thing his memory is so short :)
  • Hoogie's Family

    You have a handsome corgi!
  • ilovestubbylegs

    I really like Charlie's smiling picture. His nose is cute, too.
  • Suresh

    I really enjoy your forum posts - always knowledgeable and humorous!
  • Enzo

    Hey thanks Charlie, We are starting on all of that training today :) you have been such a great help, I have to admit this is my first puppy... I have had a German Shepard but she was already trained and older when I got her.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for the great advice and encouragement. I will definetly be working with him on this. I appreciate your advice.
  • Heather

    Hi Chris and Charlie! I recognize you from the GoCorgi forum, which I read sometimes but haven't posted on regularly in over a year. If you're signed up on, you'll see me there frequently. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks, I can't wait. We'll actually be in TX picking her up!
  • mike

    what happend to charlies nose? the pink thing
  • Kate

    Charlie, let me preface this by saying that I am not trying to be offensive by asking this question. I have noticed that you have a LOT of information on a lot of different topics... and I agree with most of it ;). What I'm wondering is... what are your credentials? How do you know what you know? Again, I know this could come off sounding rude but I'm really just curious as you seem to be very knowledgable.
  • Kristen

    I would be happy to check in. Unfortunately we went through it twice. Lizzie shattered her Pelvis when she was two. Vehicles are my biggest fear with the dogs.
  • Kristen

    we live on a road that T's past our farm so people don't drive by. When Lizzie got hit is was a shock. She and Basil would both cross the road to go the bathroom in the tall grass in the ditch--a privacy thing I think. She must have crossed and was hit. It is the only explanation we could come up with. We never heard a vehicle and no one stopped. We found her shortly after we let her out for her "last chance" before bed. She usually didnt leave the yard when it was dark. When I walk them in town- I tighten the collars to ensure they don't slip out. We are "re-fencing" the yard around the house this spring as well.
  • Kristen

    I was in shock about Lizzie because she was right in front of our house by the mailbox. I think it might have been our neigbors son who still didn't have a driver's license, but I really don't know. Our dogs don't have "roaming" privileges, but they did go out to potty without a fenced yard...Not any more. It only takes one car.
  • Kristen

    I know we don't always have control, but it is so difficult to have something bad happen and trying to figure out how you could prevent it. I still can't get over Basil and the way he died. Yet I can't imagine life without them.
  • mike

    im glad that the pink thing on ur charlies nose isnt harming him. my puppy names charlie too :D
  • vicky

    Thanks, the website you gave me showed me a lot of breeders. I've emailed quite a few of them so hopefully I'll find one soon!
  • Melissa

    Quite a light show indeed! I almost couldn't sleep because it was so bright outside. I expected those HUGE claps of thunder everytime the lightning blazed, but it was always really soft rolls. I talked in my soothing voice to Skittles and snuggled up to her.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Charlie, Thanks for the great advice with Lance and leash walking. I appreciate it. We are slowly working on it and the little bit we have been able to practice Lance is doing great. Between my brothers wedding, working and the weather it just seems like there isnt enough time in a day! Thanks for the great tips, it all made sense after reading your suggestions.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Love the picture of the two kitties on the chair, how cute and the one of Charlie on the yellow chair as well is so cute as well. All your pictures are great!
  • Charlie

    Your welcome for the leash walking tips. Leash training has been a sometimes frustrating experience for Charlie and I, but we finally go over the worst part. I know it is hard to find time for training sometimes.

    Thanks for the comments on the photos. My fur-kids all fight to sit in the "yellow chair" since it's right behind my desk chair at the computer. In the evening, I get to sit in the yellow chair and they all pile on top of me. LOL
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Charlie, just want to let you know how I appreciate your contribution here, You've been very helpful to the community :)
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Charlie, you are absolutely handsome! Such a gorgeous baby! I am sure you are the best friend ever to your human!
  • Parker

    Thanks for the doggy class encouragement! Hopefully we'll be sitting and downing and everything in no time!
  • Kristen

    Thanks Chris, crazy to add one more, but hey once you cross the line...Funny thing. Lizzie is usually a jerk to new dogs...she has always been a bit of a curmudgeon...I say that lovingly...but she has accepted Fern and has not so much as curled a lip at her. Hopefully it's not just the honeymoon. But it is encouraging. Seems like it was meant to be. Hopefully the incontinence issue can be dealt with, but she is home no matter what.
  • Juel

    I am going to pull our discussion away from her blog: I don't know if i will win that battle, He is convinced that Rusty will know that he can treat him differently than he treats me. GRRR. It is certainly submissive, he squatts, shakes and runs to a safe spot. He doesn't do it as often with me, maybe a total of 3 times. it is more often with the boyfriend. That is one of the reasons I want a dog of my own is my boyfriend is setting me in a position where rusty feels he is above me and doesn't want to respect me. He grabs my arm and tries to pull me down when he greets me and will try to bowl me over as i walk.
  • Juel

    Thanks for the advise! All of those are great ideas! LOL! especially the first one! I had thought of staring one on one training but I was afraid of confusing him. but maybe we can impress the boy with our tricks! Thanks for the concern, I have learned so mush from this site and the people on it!
  • Juel

    You'll have to let me know if i stirred up a hornets nest on go corgi. Maybe i am to stressed out with the stuff at home, and work, and maybe a little sensitive because of the stress. However I just broke after reading those three go at it in another thread, the one about the ownership styles that is framed and centered in on the forum home page. besides it is a little difficult for me to easily navigate, and i guess I just prefer this site. Thanks for the advice and the friendship!
  • Juel

    Thanks for the comment, I might come back later when I am not so sensitive! LOL, we'll see. Mike wrote me a little note calling politics a circus, I know that there are probably alot of wonderful people there but I have enough drama for a while. but i won't rule coming back out. Thanks again!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Charlie! How's things going? Have not seen you in a while, just thought I check in :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks for the update! Glad to hear about the new addition :)
  • Kristen

    Missed you while you were gone! What great news for both you and Charlie! She is a beautiful little girl. I didn't realize that the grooming was so intense for Cairn Terriers. Your latest pictures show such a light in her eyes. Congratulations all around. Everybody wins...I just wish the breeder would find a new way to make money...
  • Katelyn

    You're corgi looks kinda like mine!
  • Shepdog

    Okay, I just have to say, the pictures of the cat versus Charlie are downright hilarious.

    Charlie is a handsome fellow, too!
  • Katie

    thanks for sharing your experience with treating a HW+ dog! It is a huge help!
  • Mary Hart

    Charlie's pictures are wonderful. Hope one day our corgies can meet up and play.
  • Becky

    Charlie is very handsome!